Noah’s Ark

ark3As promised after our visit to his church, Rev. McGougan visited Nursery last week to tell us the story of Noah’s ark and it was lovely to have several parents and younger children joining us, especially as it was Hecklegirth Open Day. ark4Fortunately we had our own ark out as part of the play so some of the children were able to help Rev. McGougan tell the story by putting the animals in the ark when we came to that part of the story. Thank you to Rev. McGougan for taking time out of his busy week to spend time with us – it’s much appreciated.
Click on the photos to make them bigger.

Garden Delivery

Thom’s family has been looking at the photos of the children busy with the new bark in the garden:

“Thom was very keen to show me the big blue bag when we walked past it on our way home, I notice though he wasn’t there to help with the hard work! I’m surprised as he usually likes getting mucky! We happened to be passing when the truck brought the next bag and he was very pleased the driver waved to us.”

Lots of the children have been helping to spread the next delivery as part of their play. What started out as a little hill of bark is slowly being dug, raked and spread to make a much improved base for our digging area so well done to all those children who have been helping out.

Outdoor Teamwork

There was great excitement earlier this week when a delivery of bark and topsoil arrived to top up our outdoor area and its arrival was all the more exciting when it was delivered over the hedge by a lifting arm.
A team of hardworking gardeners was then on hand to carry the bark to the areas we needed it. As you can see, we saw some great teamwork as spades and rakes got into action, the barrows were filled and were tipped across our digging area. Thank you to everyone who helped – you did a super job. The good news is that we had another delivery today so we will need to get our sleeves rolled up again over the next few days.

Open Day

Tomorrow, May 4th May, is an Open Day at Hecklegirth. After the children showed an interest in the story of Noah’s Ark on our visit to his church, Rev. McGougan is coming in to Nursery at 11.30 and 2.30 to tell them the story and parents are more than welcome to join us if they would like to. As always, you can also join us to play at any time during the day.

Sharing Your Learning

colour5Summer’s family has been having a look at the photos of the children mixing colours outdoors:

“This will explain why Summer has started mixing all the paint together at home! I thought she was just being messy when actually she is learning. Summer is also enjoying learning the first letter of words which you have been doing in nursery, it has become her favourite game. She says the letter ‘s’ then names all the words she knows beginning with the letter. We are impressed!”

Well done Summer! It sounds like you’ve been sharing lots of your learning at home with your family.

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