Granny Went To Market

To celebrate “Share a Story Month” we recently held a family learning event where we had great fun telling the story of “Granny Went To Market”, with the children developing their learning across several areas of the curriculum.
All the children took part in the story telling which involved finding a number on the globe to show us the different countries Granny visited and then finding the items from the story hidden in the Nursery. As you can see, the children particularly loved experimenting with the bells and drums that they found, making little bands once the story was finished. We hope that those parents who joined us enjoyed this celebration of storytelling as much as we did. Here are some photos of the children in the Sunshine Room taking part. We will post photos of the Rainbow Room soon.

Playground Buddies

We have had another lovely comment about our P6 buddies from Aoife’s family:

“Aoife has loved visiting the playground with her buddy Lauren and she also gets to see her big sister Freya when she’s out. Thank you so much to Lauren for looking after her, it lets us parents know they’re being well looked after.”

It’s great to hear that Aoife has been enjoying her visits. Well done Lauren. I know that Aoife looks forward to your visits.

Floating and Sinking

The children have been taking lots of their learning outdoors in the recent warm weather and we captured some photos last week of a group investigating floating and sinking. There was lots of discussion about exactly what was happening and why some objects “stayed on the top” and some “went down to the bottom”. What better way to learn than with big bowls of water in the sunshine?
Let’s hope that this wonderful weather continues as one of the current areas of interest is searching for minibeasts in the garden.

Responsible Citizens

One of the parents of our buddies has been looking at the photos of the older children helping our children in the playground:

“Best foot forward lovely to see and her wee buddy”

We think that some good relationships are being formed to support our children’s transition to Primary 1. Primary 6 are really showing themselves to be responsible citizens.

Playground Visits

There have been some excited Nursery children in the school playground over the past couple of weeks when the children moving to Hecklegirth P1 in August went out to play.
After visiting the playground when no other children were there, they then joined the rest of the school for a visit at break and lunch times. Despite it being a very busy time, the buddies ensured that all the children were confident and happy to try out the different areas of the playground, the field and the timber trails. It was wonderful to see how much the children had grown in confidence to visit different areas of the school thanks to some super support from Primary 6. Just look at all those happy faces! Hopefully we will manage another visit to the playground soon. Well done P6 buddies! You are doing a super job!
Click then click again to make the photos bigger.

Thank You

Thom’s Mum has left us a lovely comment about our Fun Activity Day:

“It was a great morning, so proud of all the children…I certainly would find it difficult to do all of the activities they did in front of such a big audience. Its a great way to develop their confidence. The medals were a great idea too. Thanks to all the staff, it must take a lot of organisation and chatting to other parents, everyone seems very impressed and it went well beyond expectations. Thank you.”

Thank you so much for your kind comments. You are right, the children did show great confidence to perform in front of a large audience – they were little stars. Thanks also must go to all the family and friends who encouraged the children so much.

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