Friends Are The Best

What a lovely coincidence that two of our families have been looking at our photos today and have both commented on the friends their children have in Nursery:

“Tom is always happy with his friends at nursery!”

“Myself Sophie and Thom have enjoyed looking at all the fantastic monsters. Thom was telling us who all his friends are as we looked. He told me he missed nursery while we were on holiday and is looking forward to seeing his friends tomorrow.”

It’s lovely to think that good friendships are being forged in Nursery. Hopefully you will stay friends for a long time.

Pancake Breakfast

pancakeWe would like to remind everyone about our Pancake Day Breakfast tomorrow (Monday) at 9.15 and 2.15 in the school dinner hall. All the children will participate and they will be joined by those parents who would like to be part of this event. We hope that you are all looking forward to a delicious Pancake Breakfast.

Come and Play

Great teamwork with that tricky puzzle!
Great teamwork with that tricky puzzle!
The Rainbow morning children had super visitors to play with this week when Summer and Dylan’s Mums came in to play. It’s a great way to see first hand how the Nursery runs and to spend time with some delightful children who will love to play with you. Remember we have a grid up in the cloakroom area where you can add your name if you would like to come in to play. Alternatively we are always looking for helpers to come to Annan library on a Monday with us so please speak to staff if you are available to join our little trip out. Thank you to Summer and Dylan’s Mums for joining us this week. We hope that you enjoyed your visit and that you come to play again another day.

Monster Fun

Neve and Kacey’s families have been looking at our monster photos:

“Neve really enjoyed making her monster loved sticking all the sticky bits on”

“Kacey had great fun making her Loch Ness monster..x”

We love the monsters – they are all so different. It’s been great seeing what everyone has been doing at home.

Hecklegirth Monsters

Thank you so much to all the families who worked with their children to produce such wonderful Hecklegirth monsters. We think that they are all fantastic and it has been clear how much the children have enjoyed this activity by the enthusiasm they have shown when telling us about them. We hope that you enjoy our monster gallery.

National Improvement Framework in a Nutshell

I have recently added a new document from “The National Parent Forum of Scotland” under “Useful Reading” on the right. This useful article summarises the “National Improvement Framework” and shares information for better learning. We hope that you find it useful.

Lovely Singing

Noah’s family has been looking at the photos of our Burns celebration:

“I really enjoyed hearing the lovely songs you’ve been learning!
I hope Noah didn’t eat all the oatcakes!”

Thank you for coming to hear the children sing. It makes such a difference to them to perform to a lovely audience. All the Scottish food went down very well with everyone which was great to see.

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