Pancake Day Breakfast

Last week’s Pancake Day breakfast was well attended by parents and grandparents and we thank you for your very positive feedback. The children seemed to enjoy trying out the different food options and it was lovely to see everyone enjoying a chat over their breakfast. Our singing had not been practised but the most of the children showed themselves to be confident to contribute to a little performance in front of an audience. Thank you to Eileen, our Family Learning Co-ordinator, for organising this event. We appreciate all her hard work and hope that you all enjoyed yourselves. Here are the morning children enjoying their breakfast. Afternoon photos will follow soon.
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Clothes Shop

shopAfter discussion with the children, our role play area is being transformed from a Chinese restaurant to a shop. They are keen to have a clothes shop where they can experiment with lots of different outfits and we would appreciate your help if you have any unwanted items you could add to our shops.
We are looking for ties, sunglasses, shoes (adult or child), wigs, hats, jewellery … anything you think the children would enjoy trying out in their clothes shop. As you can see, the shop was popular when we set it up on Friday but it would be great if anyone could add to our stock.

Proud Family

Olivia’s family is delighted with her recent certificate:

“Aww Olivia looks as proud as punch with her award! We are so proud of how brave she has been at nursery and is settling in really quickly with help from all the lovely staff who have been amazing with her! Thank you!”

Thank you very much for your kind comment. Olivia is a star and thoroughly deserves her award. Well done Olivia!

Musical Magic

The Rainbow Room children were very lucky recently to hear some genuine Scottish fiddle music when James’ Mum came in to play for us. They learned lots about the fiddle and seemed particularly surprised to learn that the hair on the bow was from a horse’s tail. They saw what music looks like and enjoyed clapping along to a great variety of Scottish tunes. We talked about how different pieces made us feel and James Mum was even kind enough to play “Three Craws” so that we could all sing along. Just when we thought that there was nothing left to be amazed at, James’ Mum produced a penny whistle and let us hear what that sounded like.
We would like to thank James’ Mum very much for spending time with us and providing the children with a great experience. Thank you also to her superb assistant James who was so good at holding the music and made a great attempt at being a musician himself. We look forward to hearing his performances when he is a little older.

Come and Play

Dylan’s Mum has been looking at our football photos:

“All the children look really focused on what their doing with their footballs and like they are having lots of fun. Dylan has been showing us what he was learning with his football at home, sounds like super fun”

She also left a lovely message about her visit in to Nursery to play:

“I thoroughly enjoyed my morning in the nursery, thankyou, all the staff and children were very welcoming, it was so nice to see first hand at what Dylan gets up to in nursery day to day and how much fun he has with all his friends. I had great fun playing in the Chinese restaurant where I was cooked a yummy chicken and rice dish by a few of the children, it was good to hear how well their conversational and turntaking skills are developing as they asked me what i wanted, wrote down my order, cooked it, and asking me how it was. Thanks again for the opportunity to be able to pop in to stay and play, I’ll definatley be back again”

We love it when parents and other family members come in to play. Please do come back in anytime. The children really enjoyed your visit and it sounds like you enjoyed their hospitality in the Chinese restaurant.


Tomorrow and Thursday (10th and 11th February) are enrolment days if you have a child who will attend Nursery in the next academic year. Please come along to the school office with your child’s birth certificate and proof of address to complete an enrolment form. Please check the name of your Health Visitor, if you are unsure, as you will also need this as part of the enrolment process.

Football Fun

Coconuts, monkeys and ants are all part of learning to develop football skills with Ross Murray, SFA coach, who has been providing lots of fun in the hall for our children. As well as learning to control and stop the football, they are developing their listening skills as they follow Ross’ instructions to catch the ants or crack the coconuts. Ross will be back this week to carry on with his fun activities.
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