“That’s Not My Teddy”

Primary 2 has been very busy lately, writing their own version of the story “That’s Not My Teddy”. Not only was each child an author but an illustrator too, as they designed their own teddy characters in their stories. The final books looked wonderful and Primary 2 children kindly visited us one afternoon recently to read their stories to Nursery children. Well done all the boys and girls from Primary 2. We think that you are super authors and illustrators and the Nursery children thoroughly enjoyed your visit.

Who Do You Love?

We talked recently about who we love and why. There were so many lovely answers that we thought we would share some with you.

Max L: I love my Mummy because she lets me bring my bike to school.
Cara: my Daddy because he says I’m the bestest girl ever.
Erica: I love my cats.
Finlay: I love my Mummy because she gives me lots of cuddles and kisses.
Nadia: I love my brother, my Mummy and my Daddy.
James: I love my Grandad. He gives me lollipops on a hot day in the Landrover.
Harris: I love my Mam because she is my best friend.
Adam: I love my Mummy and Daddy.
Georgia: I love my Mummy. I got lots of dresses off her.
Emma: I love my Mummy. She helps me to make gingerbread men.
Keegan: I love Mummy. She lets me watch movies.
Noah: I love Mummy and Bethany – they’re good at playing.
Owen: I love Liam. He plays with me at his house.
Finn: I love my Mummy and Daddy.
Ewan: I love Effie. She’s in another school.
Hannah: I love my rabbit. She is so soft.
Aoife: I love my whole family.
Jenson: I love Tom. He’s my friend.

Chinese New Year Snack

As part of our recent discussion about Chinese New Year, we talked about the types of food Chinese people might eat and the children were given the opportunity to sample some Chinese foods at snack. As you can see, some made a good attempt at using chopsticks and most were confident to try the noodles, sauces and prawn crackers on offer.

Song and Dance

You just never know what great ideas the children will have in a Nursery day. Here are some lovely photos of the day the children in the Sunshine Room decided to stage a concert. They worked well together to organise themselves into performers and audience, taking turns and discussing what songs they would perform. Some used instruments and some added a dance to their act but all had great fun, showing confidence in their performance and appreciation of others in their concert. Well done everyone who took part – you were a great team.

Read Aloud

readWe hope that those who attended Eileen’s celebration of Read Aloud Day enjoyed themselves. That Elmer book did seem to be capturing the children’s attention when I called in. Unfortunately Eileen had to postpone the afternoon session as several children or parents were ill so she hopes to reschedule it for another time when you are all feeling better. Thanks again to Eileen for organising another great idea.

Afternoon Pancakes

The afternoon children enjoyed a Pancake Day breakfast with their families just like the morning children last week. Here you can see them tucking in to the pancakes, crepes and fruit then performing an impromptu song to entertain us all. Thank you to everyone who was able to join us – it helped to make this a lovely social occasion for the children.
Click then click again to make the photos bigger.

Thank you For Your Comments

Owen’s family has been looking at the photos of the monsters that the children made at home:

“Owen really enjoyed this task, he didn’t want to do a scary monster which is why he did a ‘friendly’ robot which he calls Stuart. Great for their imagination!”

We loved your monster Owen and think that it looks just like a Stuart – good name choice. Well done!

Kacey’s family enjoyed the Pancake Day breakfast:

“Thank you for inviting us for breakfast it was really lovely.”

It’s great when we can get together for these little social occasions. Thank you to all those who were able to join us.

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