Life on a Farm

One of our visitors during last week’s World of Work activities was Jim’s Mum who told the children about her work on the farm. We appreciated the time she had taken to bring photos of the farm and the animals as well as some samples of animal food which you can see the children examining in several photos. Some children thought that the cow’s food didn’t smell very nice but Ben pointed out “That’s ’cause it’s for cows. They like it”. Thank you to Jim’s Mum for providing the children with a great insight into working life on a farm.

Fantastic Week

Thom’s family has been looking at the photos of our visit from the fire officer and the engine:

“it looks fab….Thom was keen to tell me all about this and how loud the siren was and how they had to cover their ears. What a fantastic week its been with so many visitors”

It was a great week and the children really enjoyed having all the visitors in talking about their different jobs so thank you to everyone concerned.

Fire Officer Visit

Jenson’s Dad does a job that lots of Nursery children aspire to so we were delighted when he came in to talk to them as part of our World of Work week, explaining what fire officers do and why they need to wear a special uniform. He also very kindly arranged for the fire engine to be there in the morning which helped the children to understand what equipment the engine carries and what it is used for. Huge thanks to Jenson’s Dad for giving us so much of his time – the children thoroughly enjoyed your visit and learned about the world of work first hand.

Countryside Ranger

rangerAfter learning about the type of work that a nurse does, it was interesting and quite different to hear about a Countryside Ranger’s job.
The children had to work out which animals Duncan might look after in his work which was tricky but good fun and we heard about all the important work he does in the woods near Annan. The children seemed to like the sound of a ranger’s job even after some had realised that a Countryside Ranger is not quite the same as a Power Ranger.
Click on the photo to make it bigger.

What Does A Nurse Do?

The afternoon children had a visit earlier this week from a nurse who talked to them about her job and what it involves. Janet also brought along an exciting bag of equipment and the children had to put on their thinking caps to work out what each piece of equipment might be used for. We had some thoughtful answers and everyone was interested to have a look at the equipment closely. Thank you very much to Janet for an interesting visit which made the children think about what a nurse does in their job.

Dream Jobs

World of Work week in Hecklegirth is bringing lots of exciting visitors to Nursery as well as a visit to Tesco later this week. In preparation for a week of learning all about different jobs and the skills needed to do them, the children had a little think about what jobs they might like to do when they are older. Here are some of the ideas from the Sunshine Room. I wonder if any of their dreams will come true?

Tom: a racing car driver. I’ll need to practise racing.
Michael: work on cars.
Ellie: an artist who’s good at pictures.
Gabriel: work in a shop and sell cars.
Hannah: I want to be a farmer. I’ll have a sheep dog and feed the animals.
Kayla: a hairdresser. I need to be good at doing hair.
Lexie: I would like to be a princess.
Rory: I want to work with Daddy. I need to be good at driving a lorry.
Ewan: I want to do people’s eyes. I’ll be good at putting glasses on.
Jayden: I want to be a hair cutter using scissors. I would cut men’s hair. You would have to be nice to people.
Neve: fix people’s teeth.
Jim: I want to work like my brothers. They do slurry and cows. I need to be good at feeding.
Wareeshah: I want to be a chef and bake cakes.
Grant: I want to be a salesman selling tractors and fixing them.
Kenzie: a vet. I need to be good at wrapping plasters and stitching skin together.
Mollie: I would like to be a hairdresser and cut hair.
Ben F: drive an electricity van and a Tesco van. I need to be good at driving.
Kacper: play football.
Erica: I want to be a ballerina. You need to be good at dancing on your toes.
Joshua W: a doctor. I need to be good at medicine.

Story Time

Bethany’s family likes the photos of Primary 2 reading their stories in Nursery:

“Bethany was very excited because she was able to read her story to her little brother! Noah seemed to enjoy it too!”

Thank you to Primary 2 and Mrs. Mahon for a great visit. It was lovely to see some brothers and sisters reading together and all the children seemed to enjoy your visit.

Read Aloud

We would like to remind you that Eileen’s rearranged Read Aloud session is on tomorrow, March 1st, from 12.15 until 1.00 when story, activities and crafts will be available in the Family Learning Room. We hope that those who missed last time through illness are feeling better now and are able to attend.

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