All Things Spoooooooky !!!

Hardgate School took on an orange and black glow on Friday and many weird and wonderful costumes were floating about before we walked to the Village Hall for our Halloween party.Members of the Parent Council very kindly organised the games and provided half time snacks for everybody. The winners of the pumpkin lanterns were also announced,

Here you can see the top 3  – a Mowhican, a giant eyeball, and a ‘Mrs Ramage’. There is also a picture of the spooky cakes made by Mrs Neill for lunch-time.

One thought on “All Things Spoooooooky !!!”

  1. I am really impressed with all the super pumpkins that you all made this year. What a lot of hard work!

    I have never seen a “pumpkin look alike” of me before!! I do like the eye shadow and the bright red lip stick and I believe I won a prize too! Well done me!

    Mrs Neil’s cakes look yummy too!

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