
We have been working on fractions and column sums in maths. We found fractions very tricky to start with but now we can show and write fractions. We can also find a fraction of a number. Woohoo!

When we are finished we like to play games on the interactive whiteboard or choose an activity from our extension box.  20170227_141913 20170227_141813 20170224_101703 20170224_101723 20170224_101729 20170222_101050 20170222_101056 20170222_101745

Sponsored workout with Louise Renicks!

On Thursday we were visited by judo champion Louise Renicks. She led us through a workout and showed us some judo moves. Louise then spoke to us about her diet,  fitness regime and career as an athlete.

Together we watched the moment she won gold at the Commonwealth Games 2014 and she brought along her medal to show us. It was all very exciting!

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Hello P4!

For a homework task this week please leave a comment somewhere on our blog to let me know you’ve stopped by. This can be about an activity you have really enjoyed, a topic you want to learn more about or mention something you are working on at home.

Short and sweet will do just fine.

I look forward to reading them.


Burn’s Day

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For Burn’s Day this year we recited some Scottish poems and songs including ‘Caledonia’ and ‘Mince and Tatties‘. We also learnt about some Scottish myths and legends and made our own wading Nessies! Most of us believe in the Loch Ness monster!!

Special Delivery!!

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This week we received a special parcel full  of letters and sweet biscuits from our pen-pals in France.

Merci beaucoup! 🙂 They were delicious and we all want to travel to France right away for some more!

We are currently writing postcards about Dundee in French and hope to send them soon.