Good morning Primary 5!
I cannot believe we have reached the end of term 4 and the end of P5! I’m so proud of all of you and the goals you have reached this year. More importantly, I’m so proud of how you have faced recent challenges. Well done for all of your hard work throughout the year and a big well done for all of your super home learning! A big thank you to all of your adults and siblings at home who have helped you with your home learning journey.
I had the best time being your teacher this year. Thank you for all the memories and all the times you made me laugh and smile. I hope you have a fantastic summer holiday and I cannot wait to see all of your lovely faces at school next term. Be sure to come visit me and tell me all about your stories and adventures! Today would have been our end of term party or celebration so have a dance around, snuggle up and watch a movie, play some fun games outside if you can or fill your day with any activity that makes you smile. I wish you all the best of luck in Primary 6, you will all be super! A little poem to see us off into the summer…