Primary 5 had a super week!
In Literacy, we have continued to enjoy reading Fantastic Mr Fox. We also wrote an imaginative story this week, imagining we were a soldier in the Battle of Bannockburn.
In Numeracy, we have continued to work on multiplying and dividing, focusing on our 3 and 4 times tables.
We created a routine with sticks in outdoor numeracy to help us remember out 3 and 4 times tables.
We also practised our skip counting in outdoor numeracy.
We also learned how to multiply and divide by 10 and 100.
In PE, we played against our peers in a class Benchball tournament, putting our throwing, catching and passing skills into practice. We also learned more about SHANARRI and shared our thoughts and feelings during Circle Time and completed a health and wellbeing booklet.
We continued to learn about the Battle of Bannockburn, completing a fact file in our co-operative learning groups. We used digital technologies to research facts and figures.
We also shared our learning about the Scottish Wars of Independence at our school assembly.