Sunshine Room

P4/5 were the very first class to win a visit to the Sunshine Room. This was a reward for being the class that received the most positive behaviour tokens. Well Done P4/5!

Leave a comment to share your favourite activity from the Sunshine Room. 

 I am very proud of you all. Keep up the positive behaviour and let’s try to win again!

  Watch out for the snakes!

 It took longer to build this than to play but it was worth it.

Thank you to Mrs Neilson and Miss Gauld for helping us build Mouse Trap.

Be careful not to waken Frankenstein!

Table Top Snooker.

Practising our singing and dancing.

Jenga – How steady is your hand?

 Expressing our artistic talents.

 Role playing in the home corner.

Twister – Who can stay up longest?

Snow, snow and more snow!

Well Primary 4/5 it is snow day number 4. I did not think when we left School on Friday that I would not see you all for a whole week. I hope you are all being safe and wrapping up cosy for this cold weather and most importantly I hope you are having lot’s of fun in the snow.

I am looking forward to hearing all your news about this crazy week when we get back to School.

Miss McKay

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