
I just done this because I was bored I’m going to give you some questions and you can leave them in the comments NO COPYING! These sums are easy for me and I hope these will make your brain go whizzing down to your toes and here they are

543+623=? 621+789=? 936+324=?
1024+589=? 546+2034=? 8009+4326=?

Now subtracting
465-53=? 5719-531=? 6213-73=?

Is this making you hit your computer screen why not take a break.

More adding and subtacting well let’s go on to 3 digit numbers here is some other tricky sums try these

532+723-724=? 8000+538-714=? 1739+728-462=?

One thought on “Maths”

  1. Wow! You have set your class mates a big challenge Kaylah. Let’s see who can answer these correctly.

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