First day back at School

Well that is our first day back at School finished and I would like to say well done P4/5! Most of us have remembered our Class Promises and we have had a lovely day sharing holiday news and doing some Maths revision.

P4/5 like to play a game we call “On the Bus”


Your task this week is to explain this game to friends and family and leave a comment with an “On the Bus” Challenge for us.
Here is the first challenge to get us started (leave your answer in the comments box)

The bus starts it’s journey with 64 people and at the first stop 19 people get off, then at the second stop 8 people get on, at the third stop 26 get off and at the last stop  13 people get on. How many people are left on the bus?

9 thoughts on “First day back at School”

  1. the bus starts its journeywith 55 peopole and at the first stop 5 peopole get off then 13 get on then 3 peopole get off how many peopole areleft on the bus this is a easy one

  2. We start with 49 people on the bus at the first stop 19 people get off then at the next stop then at the next stop 94 people get on and at the last stop 47 people get on solve this 😀

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