Dens Road Centenary

This Year Dens Road Primary School is 100 years old. This term we are learning about lots of old things like old games and how to play them and how old they are. Please leave a comment and try to find out how old your favorite game is and explain how you play it.

12 thoughts on “Dens Road Centenary”

  1. Thank you for your blog post Izabela. What a great idea! Let’s find out about our classes favourite board games and when they were invented.

    Monopoly is my favourite board game and I have just searched the Internet and found out it was invented in 1933.

  2. I always enjoyed playing with my Rubik’s Cube, which I have just found out was invented in 1974 by Hungarian sculptor and professor of architecture Ernő Rubik.

  3. Hi P4/5. P3 at Longhaugh have been enjoying looking at your blog. My favourite game when I was your age was called Go Fetch It! It was a board game with dogs and bones! You had a cassette tape to listen to as you played! Here is a link to some information about it. I don’t think it is available now. I’ve never seen it in Toys r Us!

  4. Hi P4/5

    What a busy time you have had lately. I am so proud of you all for organising such a successful Gaming Day for the school. Everyone had a fantastic time and you raised such a good amount of money!

    I have enjoyed reading all about your favourite board games and have been a bit nostalgic thinking about what I loved when I was little. My sister, mum and I used to love playing Monopoly and I remember getting into trouble when I was the banker because I kept stealing the money! ooops! I loved to play Ludo and also Chinese Chequers. Perhaps you could research their origins and let me know.

    I remember my sister had a rubiks cube and used to try very hard to complete it but couldn’t. She got annoyed with me the day I completed it (until she found out I had just peeled the stickers off and replaced them in the right places!!!) I have just googled the other Rubik’s Puzzles I had. I remember having the Rubik’s Clock but my favourite was the Rubik’s Magic. I still remember the total buzz around the Rubik’s Magic and how difficult they were to buy and I was so excited when I managed to save up enough of my pocket money to buy one. My friend’s and I used to have challenges to see who could be the fastest to complete it and for a while I was the fastest in the school!!!! I think I have still got mine in the garage. Oooohh I will need to have a look for it.

    Thanks P4/5 that has really cheered me up!!


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