All posts by Mr Pennie


As promised here is your child’s allocated house.

Devon : Emily, Megan and Cameron.  ( Blue)

Dumyat : Sara, James E, Sophie, Alyssa and Alba.  ( Yellow)

Ochil : Lucie, Joseph, James S, Oliver and Ethan.  ( Green)

Wallace : Keevan, Amy, Drew, Theo, Ryan and Jamie. ( Red)

The Last Blog

We had a good time in Primary 1. We are going into Primary 2.  We had a good assembly.  We will miss our teacher and our teacher will miss us.  Primary 2 will be good too. Here are some of things the boys and girls wanted to say.

Our hearts are going to be broken because we will miss Mr Pennie  (AS.)

We will miss you! (LM.)

We will miss you so much! (EB)

Mr Pennie will be crying. (TMcF.)

We are all staying together in Primary 2 ( ZM)

We will be so sad  (AMcF.)

School is nearly over and it is nearly the Summer Holidays (AB.)

I hope you like your new friends (HMcD)

I love school!( RY.)

Mr Donald is our new teacher (TR.)

I hope you like the nursery children (FH.)

We had fun with Mr Pennie (LP.)

We had fun learning the letters with Mr Pennie (EA.)

Some of Miss Dryburgh’s class will be in our new class (CC.)

We will miss you (HMcD.)

We will miss playing games with our teacher. ( LC)


So sad but glad!  (Mr P.)