Book Week Competition

Book Week Information

Monday 14th November – Friday 18th November

As you will be aware from the literacy week newsletter, there are a number of things happening during literacy week. Here are a few reminders of important dates, etc.

* Pupils should bring in books which they no longer wish to keep, for Tuesday 15th November for our book swap event.

* An optional homework task has been given out with the prize for each class being a book from the book fair.

* The book fair will be open to parents on Thursday 17th, Monday 21st and Tuesday 22nd November from 3pm – 4pm. Your child will also have opportunities to visit during school time.

* There is an opportunity for parents to visit their children’s class on Tuesday 22nd November from 2.45pm to see a piece of writing.

* Friday 18th November is ‘Dress as a Book Character’ day.

* If a child (with parental help if necessary) posts below this post, about what their favourite book is and why, they will receive a reading sticker and a bookmark.


We made flapjacks with golden syrup and they were delicious! We made it with oats too. We made it with sugar and it was brown sugar. That’s all.

We also found out about the Great Fire of London. I got a genius giraffe because I remembered it started in Pudding Lane and James S  got one because he remembered the man who wrote about it was called Samuel Peyps.

