House System

In our school we have four houses; Devon, Dumyat, Ochil and Wallace. We elect captains for each house and we hold regular house meetings which are led by the House Captains.

House Badges

Devon (Blue), Dumyat (Yellow), Ochil (Green), Wallace (Red)

Learners earn points through out the year for demonstrating the school values of Integrity, Resilience, Respect,Happiness and Achievement.

We have regular Achievement Assemblies where the house where the house with the highest points is celebrated and congratulated. Individuals are awarded certificates and the class with the most points will be awarded a house treat.


In the fourth term  of each session (normally in June) we hold our Sports day. Where possible we ask everyone to wear a T-shirt showing their house colours.

The overall house winner for the year is announced and celebrated on the last day of term in June.

Always learning, in all ways.

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