We use problem-solving, investigations and challenging problems and intelligent practice that reinforces pupils’ procedural fluency.
Concrete / Pictoral / Abstract (CPA) Approach
A highly effective approach to teaching that develops a deep and sustainable understanding of maths in pupils. Pupils in the school have access to a range of materials to support this.
Questions to Deepen Mathematical Understanding
Questioning learners is so important to build a deeper understanding of key concepts. The work done by teachers in school can be supported at home by using some of the following…
How did you get your answer?
Can you describe the method/pattern/rule to us all?
Can you explain why it works?
What could you try next?
Would it work with different numbers?
What if you had started with… rather than…?
What if you could only use…?
Is it a reasonable answer/result?
What have you learned or found out today?
If you were doing it again, what would you do differently?
What are the key points or ideas that you need to remember for the next time?
Maths week Scotland
Every September, learners at Menstrie Primary School join schools from all over Scotland in a celebration of the importance of maths in our everyday lives. More information will be communicated soon but you can also check the official website www.mathsweek.scot
Sumdog Online Maths Learning
Sumdog’s educational games are part of the Maths approach at Menstrie. Click here for more information.