We are all aware of how busy our households can be at certain times of the day, and getting everyone off to their various destinations in the morning can be quite a feat! We continue to monitor those children who arrive at school at least 10 minutes after the school day has started. We would much rather that our pupils were late, but here, than lateness causing a complete day missed. Our school life is pretty hectic and filled with so much that, as long as our young people are well enough to be at school, we really need them to be here and be learning. By the same token, though, the start of the day sets the tone: messages are given, information about the events of the day is shared and things get started. I would therefore ask that your child is, please, at school, whenever possible, for the start of the day. We do letter individual parents of our concerns. If this is an issue for you and your child please do not hesitate to contact the school so that we can discuss support. In accordance with national policy schools do track and monitor attendance. As such, our local authority guidelines are in place. Therefore standard letters are regularly issued to parents regarding this matter. We are always available to discuss any issues affecting your child’s attendance at school.