The Build

How have we built the car, what did we use to build? Materials, tools used. Use photo’s, write out/take photos of part of the instructions.  What did you find difficult?  What did you need help with?

We never built the kit car from scratch as it has been used last year in the race and was put away in storage already built.  However in small groups we did take apart bits of the car to put back together to help give us a better understanding of how it is built.  We assembled the battery tray, roll bar, brake and throttle and the front and back throttle.

To do this we used the kit car manual, tools, Mike’s help and a lot of patience!

Read quotes written by our classmates.

“Tightening the nuts and bolts were quite fiddly.  We used a spanner and ratchet to help tighten them.” Lewis, P7D

“We had to read the manual carefully to make sure we had the right bits  and placed them in order.  This was hard!  Chloe had to check to make sure I put things in the correct order.” Isla, P7D

“I really enjoyed putting the car together, it was great fun.  My role was to check to make sure the nuts were tightened well.” Magnus, P7CH

*We lost the photos that we took on those days*