
I would like to start using the blog to share with you photographs of the children’s learning.  I cannot do this until all photographic permission slips have been returned.  Therefore, if you have not already done so I would ask that you do so asap.  Thank you.  Any photographs that are put on the blog will be password protected and I shall put the password in the pupil’s notebooks. Those that have not ticked the permission box for photographs to be online or glow I shall ensure your children are not in photographs.

week ending 9th September

In maths we have been learning/revising our 2,5 and 10 times tables.  (Lauren).  We have started the 5o club and Aidan, Finlay, Ryan, Libby J, Craig, Michael, Lauren, Chloe, Grace, Jessica (x2), Kaden, Miller and Oscar joined this week.  (Miller)

Lots of people were very close!  Keep practising (Mrs Collett)

On the 50 club there is different levels and when you get 50 right in 5 mins then you go on to the next level.  (Aidan)

We have been making superhero capes using tie dye.  We are also going to be painting on our superhero logos (Libby J).

We played a times table game with Mrs Sisaki which is like table tennis (Jessica)

We have been learning about Elkonin boxes (p4) to help with our spelling.  (Ryan)

On Friday we went to ICT and played sumdog and it’s fun! (Kaden)

We’ve been doing Literacy tasks.  We have read with Mrs Collett, spelling tasks, handwriting, editing and silent reading (Chloe).

We have been doing gym with Miss McFarlane in House Hobbies.  We did blind folded activities to see what blind people have to do (Hope). We also played a type of goalball.  (Casey).  We had to trust the other person to guide us (Kaden).

We were sports engineers with Mrs Collett.  We had to design our sports equipment.  We had to race the BAR (Grace, Chloe and Libby L).

We were looking up on the internet famous paralympians.  We had to write down interesting facts and what races they do. (Finlay)

We wrote a poem with Mrs Tait and Mrs Salter.  It was about the paralympics (Michael).  We had a choice of 2 of the values “friendship” or “determination” and we had to chose words to go with them.  (Jessica).  It’s an acrostic poem (Grace).

With Mrs Salter we have been learning  about E-waste.  E-waste is electronic waste which goes in land fill sites. (Oscar)

In writing we created a map of our superhero place (Cristen).  It’s called a Setting (Libby J).  Mine is called USK for short (Aidan).

Cristen would like to finish by saying he loves Sumdog!  Mrs Collett says she knows because he has answered over 3000 questions! WOW!



Today in class our focus for maths moved to multiplication. P4 worked with Mrs Sisaki revising the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. They enjoyed playing the game ‘ping pong.’

The p3s worked with Mrs Collett and we focused on what multiplication actually means and different ways it can be worded. We then played bingo using our knowledge of counting in 2s and 10s.

The p4s were also introduced to the 50 club.  They are given 50 multiplication questions to answer in 4-5 mins. If they score 50/50 they become a member of the 50 club and move on to the next level.  P3s will use this from next week too.

In class pupils will be working on different times tables depending on which ones they need to improve their speed and accuracy of recall with. Please support your child by practising with them at home. They will learn their 2,5 and 10 times tables first. Then they will move onto their 3 and 4. If they are able to recall these quickly they will be challenged by looking at the 6,7,8 and 9 times tables.

Soon I will put up some websites that your child can use to help them.

Sponsored walk

Our sponsored walk is taking place next Friday morning, 16th of September. We are still looking for volunteers to accompany us. If you are available and would like to come please put a note in your child’s home/school notebook. Your help is much appreciated as these events could not take place without the valued support of our parents.

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