Tag Archives: skipping

Well-Being Wednesday: Mr.Mutch vs Mr.Reid #4


The teachers are back and this time they are back outside.


Last week’s challenge was really hard but we can tell most people certainly had a growth mindset and took on the power of ‘YET’. Families were messaging saying that they were spending the whole week trying and trying again. Even though some of you didn’t manage it is important to know that you never gave up. Maybe, one day you will be able to build the tower.

This week we learn about how Mr.Reid is getting on in lock down. I wonder how he is feeling?

Mr.Mutch vs Mr.Reid @ Methlick #4 

This Week’s Challenge 


You will have 60 seconds to skip as many times as possible on the sport.

Enjoy this week’s episode and don’t forget to send in your scores and find out where you place on the leader board next week.