Tag Archives: measurement

The Winner of the Tallest Dandelion Competition 2020

I am delighted to announce the winnerΒ  of the tallest dandelion competition today.

Thank you so much to everyone who has taken part!

Take a LOOK in the BOOK!



Mild Numeracy – Measurement – Spelling Bee Hat

P1 and P2 have been practising words that are spelt with the long vowel sound ‘ee’.

When you are taking part in the ‘Methlick Spelling Bee’ you might like to make a hat to wear.

This is a great way to practise your measuring skills using a different measuring tool – the measuring tape.


A HUGE THANK YOU to Mrs Black for sharing a hat making idea with us. If you love origami or would like to try the skill of paper folding watch Mrs Black’s sway to learn more!


Mild HWB and Numeracy – The Pollinator Promise Area

The BEE CAUSE – Let’s help to protect pollinators.

Thank you so much again to Evie and Finlay and their family for helping us to learn about their bees and the importance of pollinators, I learned so much. It was just fantastic.

Bee Identification

They spoke about the different types and variety of bees.

The Friends of the Earth website has a useful bee identification guide.

To find out more about pollination visit The Eden Project website.

I hope you enjoy learning about how to measure area while creating a special outdoor space to protect creatures who help to pollinate our plants.

Keep hunting for those dandelions!

The competition is open until next Friday 15th May.

Thank you to everyone who has shared their information.

Area and Measurement – Outdoor Learning

In keeping with our Eco theme, I have thought of some maths-related outdoor activities which I hope you’ll enjoy.Β Β The first is on the topic of Area, while the second is on Measuring.

Explanations for both activities can be found in the Sway below.

Remember – there are links on the Spicy grid which provide help with calculating area and measurements.Β  Check them out if you’re unsure about anything.

Don’t forget to record your findings in your Home Learning Journal or Sway.Β  You can also send them to myself or your teacher in an email to let us see your results.

Good luck!


Mild Numeracy – Tallest Dandelion Competition!

We are learning about biodiversity. Living things depend on each other to be healthy and survive.

I can see dandelions appearing in my garden and on my daily walk.

I often spot creatures sunbathing on them or with their head in the centre doing something.

Competition Time!

What is the length of the tallest dandelion you can find?

Use numeracy skills – counting, tallying, measurement and information handling to investigate and win the competition!

Leave a comment on the blog or in SeeSaw telling us about what you find – photographic evidence would be great to see!

Β Some more questions for you to investigate

  • Do dandelions grow in your garden?
  • Where do they grow?
  • Do the dandelions you find grow in groups or are they on their own?
  • Why do so many dandelions growΒ in one area compared with another area that is quite close?
  • Why are some short?
  • Why are some very tall?
  • Why are some closed and others open?
  • Why are there some patches that only have leaves?
Can you think of any more questions to investigate?