Category Archives: Spicy Literacy

Spicy – Literacy – Writing no.3

I selected ‘The Six-Legged Spider’ as my focus.  It contained a conflict between the main character, the spider, and a long list of employers.

This was the front cover I redesigned.  This was my second attempt.  On my first try I included some of the challenges she faced in the story, but then I thought it might give to much of the plot away, so I had another go.

I looked at some other blurbs before writing mine. I came across some that didn’t give too much away, but made you want to look inside to find out more.  I tried to keep mine similar to this, as well as short and sweet!

I can’t wait to see what you come up with Spicy writers! You can show yours to your teachers over on your Sway Journals or on Seesaw. 📝

Don’t Say ‘Said’!

Good morning, everyone!

Welcome back to the Blog.  It seems very strange not to be taking in the lines as usual on the first day of term.  I also miss hearing your holiday news, but you can leave a message here or on Seesaw to let me know what you’ve been up to (or write it in your journal).

Anyway, I hope you had a lovely break enjoying the sunshine over the holidays and are all ready for some more learning activities in Term 4.

To kick-start the term, I have a Literacy challenge for you.  You may already have seen that one of the reading tasks in this week’s Spicy Literacy Grid involves finding different words in your reading book that the author uses instead of ‘said’.

Click on my Sway to find out more …

P.S.   House points will be awarded to the pupil with the highest total (I will have to verify this once we’re back at school)!

P.P.S. Maybe some of the teachers/parents would like to have a go at this as well?

Easter Word Challenge

Here’s another Easter Literacy challenge for everyone.  How many words you can make from ‘HAPPY EASTER’?

Read the instructions in the Sway below, and challenge other family members to take part.  I’d recommend doing this over a number of days so that you can keep adding to your total.

Don’t forget to write the list of words in your Learning Journals, and leave a comment for me here, to let me know how many you have managed to find.   I’m going to give it a go and I challenge all the teachers and Mrs Fraser to take part as well!

There are different rules for Mild, Spicy and Hot, so click on the Sway to find out more.


Games for Easter and Spring

P4 have been enjoying playing mental maths games on the Digipuzzle website – Pacman is one of their favourites.  Today I found a new Pacman game to play – Easter Words.

Have a look at the Sway to see some of my suggestions for some other games you could play.  You’ll also find links to the website there.

I hope you have fun trying some of them.  Let me know which ones you’ve tried by leaving a comment on the blog.  🙂