Category Archives: Health and Wellbeing

Sports Day Wednesday: Mr.Mutch vs Mr.Reid #6


Ready to take on Sports Day!

Both teachers returned to their competitive views on each other after Friday’s Big Night In.

Because it was Health Fortnight, they decided to use the Sport Day Grid you will be using at home, and adapt the tasks so that it could relate to a timed event.

Enjoy this week’s episode of Mr.Mutch vs Mr.Reid.

This week’s challenge:

Sports Day Stations

Both teachers must complete 4 stations in the shortest amount of time. We set up our stations all within a 5 metre shuttle run with the equipment waiting at the side.

We have….

The Shuttle Run, Star Jumps, Tattie and Spoon and the Shoe Throw.

We hope you have fun and remember to comment, email or seesaw your results to get on the leader board.

Make a Healthy (Home) Packed Lunch

Hopefully you have all been helping out at home making food to eat during lockdown and you have realised that it’s important to eat well to keep you healthy. We know shopping for food has been more challenging during this time and understand that you may not have access to foods you would normally have so for the final task be as creative as possible and imagine what you would love to have.

Task 1 – Learn more about the Eatwell plate.

Although we all like a sweet treat or two at times we know this is not what we should eat every day. Have a look at the NHS information found here which shows what we should eat. You do not need to achieve this balance with every meal, but try to get the balance right over a day or even a week.

The Eatwell Guide

Task 1 – Read the information on the website above and answer the questions in the Sway.

Task 2 – Using the information from above can you design a HEALTHY packed lunch and include a portion of food from each food group? I have made one in this Sway. Have I managed to include food from each food group?

Task 3 – Can you design an imaginary sandwich? This could be your favourite sandwich or a totally made up one. For example Marshmallows and chocolate spread. (Healthy or unhealthy? Do you think your sandwich is healthy or unhealthy? Would you eat it?)




Health Heroes- Special Guest No5 Click Me #Formula1sFinest

Hello Everyone,

I hope you are enjoying your week so far out in the lovely sunshine and enjoying our Health and Wellbeing learning opportunities.

It’s Wednesday so that means another Health Hero is here to enlighten you into their world of sportsmanship, please click the sway below to find out who our Special Guest is today.



As David said in his video, he started off his interest in motor sports from a very young age in a small town in the South West of Scotland. From many years of hard work and perseverance he went on to  compete in 15 seasons of Formula One between 1994 and 2008, taking 13 Grand Prix victories and 62 podium finishes,.

I would like to personally thank David Coulthard for replying and  taking the time to create this truly inspirational video for our very own Methlick School pupils and community.


Numeracy- Time Activities (Mental Maths Edition/Timetables) HOT


Warm up activity

Main activity:

Whether you are in Primary 7 or not one of the first experiences you will have of actively using a timetable is when you reach the academy try out the link and answer some questions related to a timetable.

(this is not real teachers, rooms etc just for maths exercise purpose)


Extra Challenge:

Problem Solving Time Challenges

Fun Card Game:

‘Being Healthy’ – Spicy Poem

Last week I posted a poem on the subject of mental wellbeing.  This week’s poem focuses on Personal and Physical Wellbeing.  First, read the poem or listen to the audio clip, then answer the questions in my Sway.  You may need to do a little research in order to answer some of them.

Being healthy

Mum says I have to brush my teeth
In the morning and at night.
They look and taste much better
But I hate it when she’s right.

Dad says I have to take a bath
And wash my body well.
I do feel nice and clean and fresh
But now he’s right as well!

My brother says I have to wash
My hands to keep them clean.
He’s right, my fingers feel so good
Without dirt in between.

My sister says I have to eat
Some vegetables each day.
She’s right, I have more energy
To run and walk and play.

I feel more healthy and I’ve got
Much better teeth and skin.
Don’t tell them that I think they’re right –
I hate it when they win!

Gillian Craig

Listen to it being read aloud here.

Now answer the questions.  As always, don’t forget to write in complete sentences (not one-word answers) and check that you have included capital letters and full stops.


Healthy Food – French/Spanish

Bonjour! Hola! Methlick,

This is week 2 of Health Week and for languages we have a special activity for you with the help of  Ms Rees. You will learn some words related to food in  French and Spanish since this week our focus will be Healthy Food/Sports. This is followed by a challenge we thought you would enjoy lots! The challenge is related to our photo. Now, the vocabulary will be in one sway and the challenge in the next sway.

Are you ready?


Go to this Sway


Click here to see your challenge:

Go to this Sway

We will be looking forward to your comments.

Ms Rees and Ms Maturana.

Health Heroes- Special Guest No4 Click Me #ComeOnYouReds

Happy Tuesday Everyone!

I hope you have settled in to our Health and Wellbeing Fortnight Activities, this week our focus is on Physical Health due to this week being our usual Sports Day week.

With this in mind take a look at our Health Hero today:

Niall McGinn currently plays for Aberdeen F C  and Northern Ireland during international football season, Niall has played with a range of teams including Dungannon Swifts, Derry City, Celtic, Brentford and South Korean club Gwangju.

I would like to personally thank him for creating an inspiring video to help our Health Heroes campaign as always  we would LOVE for you to leave some comments, as with all our Heroes they are able to see your messages 🙂

MILD: LITERACY & HWB : Sky High #2

Yesterday we talked about our ambitions and dreams something we could reach for in the sky.

Today we are going to look at the skills and qualities we have ourselves to help us reach that target. Have these discussions while you are taking the time to look at the sky.

To reach the ambition in the sky, we are going to need wings, your wings are made of words that the meaning relates to you.

Follow the steps below in the sway to complete part 2.

Remember this can be a drawing activity too and also send in your work to your teacher through seesaw or email.

3,2,1… Go! Let’s get ready for Sports Day!

These extra activities are on the Sports Day grid.

These are my ideas!

Please share your snack recipes with your class teacher and we will create a ‘Sports Day Cookbook’.

One of the activities on the Sports Day grid is to make ‘Sports Day Medals’. We are surrounded by people who help us, love us and want us to succeed. I think some of these individuals deserve a medal! 

Here are some ideas!

What are your ideas?

And finally…

Mrs Lusher’s Exercise Preparation for Sports Day

Today we have launched our Sports Day grid, in preparation for whenever you decide to tackle our grid it is important to warm up and cool down when taking part any exercise.

Please see Mrs Lusher sway below on Bilateral Lifts