All posts by Mrs Flockton

Earth Day 22nd April – Eco Challenge from Eco Group and Mrs Flockton

Today marks Earth Day 2020.

This is the 50th Earth Day and this year the focus is on Climate Action. This also connects to The World’s Largest Lesson which is part of Eco Schools work. (Links to both websites below)

Lots of activities and events were planned but this year the theme will be digital based or an activity from home so the Eco Group have set some challenges for you to try.

Can you do any of the challenges?

It doesn’t have to be today but please comment and let us know if you have done anything so we can keep a record for the Eco Group and our Green Flag application.

Task 1 – 

  • Have a conversation around climate change with an elderly relative/community member, this could be on the telephone or video messaging.
  •  Draw a Then and Now picture based on their climate conversation, demonstrating the difference between
    the past and current ways of living and how that impacts climate change
  • Demonstrate a positive action for the environment

I have included a list of questions you could ask and a recording sheet if needed – Appendix Sheet 1/2.


Task 2 –

Earth Day Spot clean –

  • During your daily exercise can you tidy your local environment. Can you collect a small bag of litter?

On our family walks we have noticed the litter around us more than previously as we have had more time and walked paths that we rarely go on, so can you help tidy the place around you?

Please use gloves and consider what you pick up at this time. Send a picture to your teacher of your rubbish if possible. We can keep this for evidence for Keep Scotland Beautiful but please do not have people in the picture if possible.

Here is our rubbish collected on one walk.

The World’s Largest Lesson

Earth Day 2020

Task 3

P1/2 – (and anyone else who would like to join in)

You have been set a fun task below based around the book you are reading. Have a look at the Sway to see what your task is. This is a fun activity but remember to work with an adult.

Growing Challenge by the Eco Group and Mrs Flockton

Hello all and especially to my Eco Committee,

Maybe with some time at home you have been able to plant some seeds this year. I had just broken the news to Mrs Taylor that P3 were going to plant lots of seeds in class when they announced the school closures so P3 never had the chance in the end. We also had a delivery of seed potatoes from One Seed Forward so I will plant those at home and come up with a plan for use when we all return.

Anyway, we have been busy planting our own seeds and I have included some photos below, these were planted for a Spring Fayre at my daughters school so looks like we will have to make room for lots more in the greenhouse. We have planted some unusual varieties this year including pink and black tomatoes and yellow courgettes. Let me know what you are planting and there is even a wee prize for anyone who can guess the mystery plant on the second last picture.

Finally,  I have a Challenge task not on the grids to design your own “Perfect Garden”. This could either be drawn, designed on the computer or made up from magazine images. For those of you at Brownies you could get started on your Gardening badge with these tasks or let me know if you have started any others (Scouts or Guides too). You can upload a photo or comment telling us what you are doing but please stay safe when sharing this.


Numeracy Grid challenge – Mental Maths activities – Spicy Level but suitable for all

Have you managed to do any maths this week. Don’t forget all those practical tasks you are doing at home already use maths in them. We have finally found the time to bake in the Flockton house and we are playing Monopoly which is getting a little heated at times!!!

Some teachers may have some Sumdog activities for  those of you that use it in class but feel free to try out other maths apps and websites as well as your practical activities such as weighing or measuring.

Here are a few suggestions –

‘Daily 10’, you can chose all sorts of areas of maths and change the challenge level (Free online)

Multiplication tables – ‘DK Multiplication’ is a hit in our house (Free app)

Carol Vorderman is providing maths tutorials online for those working at the Hot stage.

Most pupils should be familiar with ‘Topmarks’ games (Free online)

P3 love BBC Supermovers, this has songs to dance to and includes everything from Addition to Multiplication. It’s also a little easier than Joe Wicks!!!

We all have our favourite games but leave a comment to share your favourite maths related game (Virtual or not) We might all be reminded of some favourites.
