All posts by A. Rossvoll

Mild – Art and Design – Surprise!!

If you have listened to our book of the fortnight you will know that Nora has an  incredible journey in her Grandma’s garden.

Can you go for a walk and find a garden or wild space to explore?

Look at the shapes, lines and patterns on the leaves.

Nora had a lot of surprises in her Grandma’s garden.

Did anything surprise you?

Henri Rousseau surprised a lot of people when he painted a tiger in this now famous painting.

Find out more about the painting, artist, art elements and techniques to create a collage inspired by Rousseau.

Update – 2nd June @ 14:10

I have been outdoors and have made a collection of leaf patterns. I am about to start drawing the shapes and lines.

I got a surprise when 5 goldfinches landed beside me, just beautiful!!!

How are you getting on?

Mild – Literacy – Reading – There’s a Tiger in the Garden!

Can you find a tiger in your garden?

We will be learning together to write a ‘Tiger Tale’ over the next couple of weeks.

Great writers go out and explore.

They use their senses to take in information to use for story ideas.

When you are out and about can you get your brain to capture what you

  • see,
  • smell,
  • hear,
  • touch
  • and maybe even taste

to help you write an incredible ‘Tiger Tale’? 

This is a paper copy of the reading comprehension questions in the sway.

Thumper Time!

How healthy is Thumper?

Do you know how much Thumper has grown?

How much he is eating now?

What has he been up to?

Here are the answers to some questions that I have been asked about Thumper.


Would you be able to answer these questions now?


Thumper was born on the 29th February.

How old is he now?


Thumper was about 65cm tall when he was born. This measurement was taken from his feet to the top of his back.

Look at the pictures in the Sway to work out how tall he is now.


How he has grown!

When he was born his pen was 3 metres by 1.5 metres in area.

His pen is now 3 metres by 3 metres in area.

What is the area of his pen?


Did you notice that he is quite a milk guzzler!

How much milk does he drink now?


What does he enjoy crunching on?

3,2,1… Go! Let’s get ready for Sports Day!

These extra activities are on the Sports Day grid.

These are my ideas!

Please share your snack recipes with your class teacher and we will create a ‘Sports Day Cookbook’.

One of the activities on the Sports Day grid is to make ‘Sports Day Medals’. We are surrounded by people who help us, love us and want us to succeed. I think some of these individuals deserve a medal! 

Here are some ideas!

What are your ideas?

And finally…

HWB – Under the same sky


I shared this book with you on Monday.

I have added some more information to the book about the group of people, who live under the same sky as you, who were very happy to take a photo of the sky to share with you.

I think that was very kind. 

The photographs were taken by my friends  between 10am and 12noon at the weekend (16th/17th May)

  1. America, New York
  2. Canada, Alberta
  3. France, Toulouse
  4. Holland, 
  5. Russia, Moscow
  6. Russia, Svetlogorsk
  7. Scotland, Dundee
  8. Scotland, Oldmeldrum
  9. Scotland, The Isle of Lewis

I wonder if you can work out where each photo has been taken.

I have put some of the originals back in because I cropped them as it would have been too obvious. I wonder if you can find out the time difference between Scotland and there?

Maybe you could ask someone you are missing to send you a photograph of the sky and you could send one to them and you could talk about what you both see.

Mild Literacy – Book Bear Club #2

Thank you to everyone who has joined the Book Bear Club.

Dot would like to share another of her favourite books with you.

‘The Cloudspotter’ by Tom McLaughlin

We read the story together at our thoughtful spot just when the sun was lower in the sky, it was very peaceful.


Have you spotted anything in the clouds?

This is what Dot and I have spotted.

By the way ,on Tuesday Dot shared the story ‘The Bad Tempered Ladybird’

I have always wondered if a ladybird could be bad tempered as I am rather fond of them.

This link takes you to the Countryside Classroom where they investigate this question. (a lot of text )

On page 3 they answer some questions

On page 5 they tell you how to make ladybirds happy.

Numeracy – Lego Time!

We are all learning about time. Being challenged to do something within a certain amount of time can be great fun!

Warm up with some yoga poses. Can you do at least 5 minutes of yoga each day?

Here are some Superhero Poses.

Many of you are Lego experts! Lego is something you go back to again and again! It is something you love to do!

On our timetable this week there was a column left blank for you to focus on what you LOVE learning to do.

Can you create a Lego challenge for others to complete within a certain amount of time?

Send your drawings, photos, animations, video tutorials to your class teacher and we will feature them on the blog!

This is mine – 30 second challenge – very basic! I’m not an experienced lego builder! I’m sure you can help us all to improve!



Mild Literacy and HWB – Sky journal

I hope you have enjoyed being outdoors and observing the sky.

Did you SEE, THINK and WONDER?

I was left wondering what some of the clouds shapes were called.

Some people choose to observe the sky as a job, they are called Meteorologists.

Mrs Still ,as well as being one of our wonderful PSAs, is a Meteorologist Observer.

She has kindly written this  guide to the clouds for us, isn’t that fantastic!

I have had a go at writing a sky journal.

I’m not finished, now that I have Mrs Still’s book I am going to have a go at writing about different cloud formations, I will share on Friday.

Take a blanket and lie down and look at the sky, I find it very calming! ENJOY!