Well-Being Wednesday: Mr.Mutch and Mr. Reid #7

This week they’re back but the competition is off. 

They have a different task for you this week. 

Watch this week’s episode to find out more

Are you up for some dancing?

Here is the link to the song on Youtube. You can also find it on other platforms such as Spotify.

Listen to the song first

There are different sections to the song and you could probably think of lots of actions.

Such as dancing around, saxophone, actually walking on sunshine and big dance gestures.

Get the whole family involved, you could send in more than once clip.

Remember to send in your video by next Wednesday 10th June.

So that we can put it all together! There will be no episode on Wednesday as we will be posting on Friday instead for the end of the Expressive Arts Grids 

15 thoughts on “Well-Being Wednesday: Mr.Mutch and Mr. Reid #7”

  1. Looking forward to this challenge!
    I know so many of you enjoy dancing and will put your own spin on some crazy dance moves.
    I love this song, it’s an oldie (1985), but a goodie.
    Did you know Katrina and the Waves also won the Eurovision Song Contest the year Zoe was born. Which year was that?

    1. I think you can tell from my dance moves that dancing isn’t for me either! Why not get the whole family involved and just have fun dancing together?

    2. Boys
      Although I love dancing I’m no dancer.
      Dancing does not have to be in the conventional sense. It could be a series of fitness moves ie Martial Arts (Kick Boxing, Taekwondo, Karate)
      If you find something you like, make a routine and see how it looks.

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