Outdoor Art Weaving – Spicy (but suits all levels)

Hopefully you have seen this activity on the grid this week.  During the sunny weather this weekend I took some time out to try this activity too. It was very relaxing (although also sometimes frustrating when the knots can undone  but I kept going). It was a nice quiet time to sit down for a change so I hope you enjoy that aspect of art too. However, a word of warning it was not as simple as it seemed and I think at times I needed two pairs of hands. So don’t forget to ask for help from an adult if needed to set up the weaving loom. Once the frame is sorted then off you go……

If you have less time available or you haven’t gathered any sticks and materials yet you might want to try an easier activity first. You can use any natural materials and present them either as a pattern, a picture of something made from materials, a specific theme or a set colour scheme. Here is one from a P3 pupil called ‘Colours of Nature’ (Thanks Jacob)

2 thoughts on “Outdoor Art Weaving – Spicy (but suits all levels)”

  1. Hello, I am very happy to see my picture up on the blog. The activity was really fun and exciting. And great to do on a sunny day!

    1. Fantastic to hear Jacob, thanks again for sharing your beautiful artwork. Maybe you could try the weaving challenge next?

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