Well-Being Wednesday: Mr.Mutch vs Mr.Reid #4


The teachers are back and this time they are back outside.


Last week’s challenge was really hard but we can tell most people certainly had a growth mindset and took on the power of ‘YET’. Families were messaging saying that they were spending the whole week trying and trying again. Even though some of you didn’t manage it is important to know that you never gave up. Maybe, one day you will be able to build the tower.

This week we learn about how Mr.Reid is getting on in lock down. I wonder how he is feeling?

Mr.Mutch vs Mr.Reid @ Methlick #4 

This Week’s Challenge 


You will have 60 seconds to skip as many times as possible on the sport.

Enjoy this week’s episode and don’t forget to send in your scores and find out where you place on the leader board next week. 

29 thoughts on “Well-Being Wednesday: Mr.Mutch vs Mr.Reid #4”

  1. Well Mr Reid I am glad you are feeling more motivated now you have your skipping exercise to do. A great challenge – I hope everyone gets involved.

    1. Thank you Mrs Fraser. I have been missing playing group sports with my friends and the skipping has helped me feel a lot more positive! I hope you have a skipping rope at home and join in with the challenge.

  2. Mr Mutch and Mr Reid, I so look forward to your Wellbeing Wednesday videos and you never fail to make me smile. I love that your challenge this week is one which will improve fitness. All that practice is going to be great for everyone’s heart and lungs.
    Better go and find my skipping rope! ⏲❤

    1. Hello Mrs Lusher! Thank you for your kind words. Mr Mutch and I look forward to creating the videos every week. Get your skipping rope and let us know how many skips you can do in one minute.

  3. Great, Evie is looking forward to this challenge a lot more than the card tower! We’ll dig out our skipping rope!

    1. I have researched what to do if you do not have a skipping rope. You can participate in the challenge and do – jumping jacks!

  4. Love the video as usual!😄😄
    We will definitely be giving this one a go and I think my mum will even join in this time 😄

    1. Thank you boys. We look forward to seeing how you get on with this week’s challenge. Good luck to you all and thanks for taking part.

  5. That was hilarious and it really made me laugh. Look forward to seeing who the winner is. I think it will be Mr Reid.

  6. Can’t wait to get my skipping rope out… I used to be good at it! Will have to have a wee practice first.

  7. Another great video 👍🏻

    I didn’t manage to get past the first row with the cards last week.

    Away to practice my skipping now.

  8. Mr Mutch and Mr Reid
    What another fantastic challenge.
    Niall and I will definitely be taking part in this one🧍🏻‍♀️

  9. This was a really fun challenge today! But we need a rest after doing it😁

    Austin- 42
    Mum- 99

  10. Hi Mr Mutch and Mr Reid,

    I hope we are not too late to send in our skipping scores. We couldn’t do it at all when we first tried, but we practised and we both got much better! Here are our scores:
    Finlay 27
    Daddy 41
    Evie 44
    Mummy 93

    1. Good morning! Thank you so much for taking part in the challenge 🙂 Sadly, we have already submitted the leader board to Methlick’s Big Night In. We are so happy that the whole family continue to get involved in the challenges. Thanks again and keep up the great work!

  11. We had a go at the t-shirt putting on challenge! It was very funny, we got stuck a few times, and we felt very funny when we had them all on. Finlay did it in 1 minute 46 seconds and Evie did it in 2 minutes 36 seconds.

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