All posts by Max

Play Leaders

We started play leaders on the 17/1/18 and did it for four weeks then on the fifth week we are doing a test.Play leaders is to help us develop leader ship skills. What we do is on a Wednesday we go to the hall in the afternoon until the end of the day.We got a log book and inside it was a word called step S is for space T time E equipment and P was for people and each letter had their own page. We played some games to help us learn to sort people in to groups and ideas for games. After we have done the test we can show the smaller kids how to play the games and to play themwith their friends. The person who trains us is  Shona Park,she is from Aberdeenshire Active Schools.


In maths we have learned how to do long multiplication so we now can do sums like 61×66  here is an example of a long multiplication can see that you have to first times the top row by 2.Then you have to put in a 0 underneath.Then times the top row by 3.Then you add your answers and voila! you have the answer.Most of the class enjoyed long multiplication.









Alec Bus

In p 6/7 we went out to the Alec bus we learnt about drugs and Alcohol and  what not to do. We did work in teams on the wall, we  also learned   about  peer pressure We watched a video about  it. Next we learned about the good drugs ( kalpol and  pain killers) and bad drugs( weed and cocaine).We think this will help us in later life.

By Thomas And Max.

My Scratch

This is one of  my Scratch games I made, it is called Watermelon Drop. You are a penguin and there are watermelons that drop from the sky. You have to catch them but don’t touch the small watermelon.This is my game here. 

Hope you enjoy playing it. (You cant play the game on an iPad)

By Max O’halloran

Stuff about max

My name is max I like sports but I like running the most.My favourite animal is a cat. I have a very fat cat, his name is Ambrose. I have one brother and he is very annoying.   🙂

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