Harvest lunch

On Friday the 29th of September we invited parents and guardians to our school for a harvest lunch .We all served a table each then we would go get it for them and offer them a drink or anything else they would like. We had a donation box for the foodbank in Banchory we raised £200. It all went to the Banchory foodbank. We picked the apples and brambles from the school grounds we cooked the sweets. Some people that didn’t get to help pick got to help the p1,2,3 cook the soups.Everyone enjoyed their food. By Nicole



Hopscotch is a traveling  theatre group that came to Ballater  school. Their play was about the Rights of the child and why they are  important.  One of  the  characters is Ryan who thought if he had no rights he would think it would be great but he was wrong. He had to work in a shoe factory and got a cut finger.He got £1.50 and the paid  bandage witch is £1.50 so he got no money at the end of the day. The he got his rights back and told his friend how important the rights are.

My opinion is that it was very good and I am happy children in this country have rights and don’t work. By Kate


P6/7 Assembly

P 6/7 has been very  busy for our assembly . We have been making  props and bringing in clothes as well .Our assembly is on resilience . We have got a poem as well and it has got a play a long with it .We have 2 food banks power points .They are about the foodbanks  we all watch the power point and we voted for the best one . We are also talking about the Rights  of the Child


P6/7 Harvest Lunch

Ballater school thought that it would be a good idea to have a harvest lunch. We planned it and we made some apple and bramble crumble. The p123’s and some of the p6/7’s made soup.The p6/7s were waiters and waitresses and Mrs Duckworth was at the serving place and we raised £200 for Aberdeenshire South Foodbank.     By Findlay

Our literacy in primary 6/7

In p6/7 we have been learning how to take good notes as homework and writing about it in class. We have done 3 pieces of writing to do with our notes. We have also written 2 imaginative pieces of writing.The information pieces were about harvest, Roald Dahl and one of your choice. We all had different choices of subject. One of the imaginative pieces of writing was about a busker and his pet dog who both moved out of the city and into the countryside.

by Caitlyn

Harvest Lunch

P6/7 had a harvest lunch on the 29th September, where we invited parents  in. We made soup and apple crumble, the apples were picked from the school apple tree. When the parents came in they gave a donation to our local foodbank. in total we raised £200. We chose groups of four in our groups of four we served the parents. We made soup and apple crumble, the apples were picked from the school apple tree. P1/2/3 made chicken broth, lentil and vegetable. Also p6/7 made menus for it.

By Ranolph!

Harvest lunch

On the 29th of September we a harvest lunch. P6/7 made the apple and bramble crumble and P1/2/3 made three soups, the soups were lentil, vegetable and chicken broth. On the Friday p6/7 served up all the tables and lots of people turned up. All together we raised £200. All the money went to the food bank.

By Wynn

Our assembly

On the 9th October 2017 we are doing our assembly on resilience, The rights of the child and our society.We are doing a Scots poem to explain about resilience.We’re using lots of props that took a long time to make we are using things like masks, a boat, big coins, and paintings.In the show there is a seagull a bat and a bramble and Kieran Findlay and Kate are the ones with masks but Kate has a costume.

We made power points on the the Banchory FoodBank and in our assembly Findlay and Leonna are doing the first Power Piont and then Kirsty and Thomas all of p6/7 voted for them to do their power points.