Fairtrade visit

Gordon Primary received a visit from Mr Khembo, who works on a Sugar Cane farm in Malawi.

Mr Khembo told us how Fairtrade has helped him and his community. Because of Fairtrade his village has clean water, the children have better education, housing is better and they have been able to buy bicycle buses. He asked pupils to help Fairtrade farmers by buying Fair-trade products whenever possible. He also suggested that our school uniform could be made using fair-trade cotton.

Slow Marathon

Primary 4 joined in with the Slow Marathon (organised by Deveron Arts) by walking down the Avenue and around the Hill of Haugh several times before returning to school. The walk covered a mile, and as 53 people took part they were able to contribute 53 miles to the Slow Marathon, bringing the grand total of miles donated to 5,703 now!

On Thursday p1-5 will all take part in the Slow Marathon together, walking around the playing fields.


Fairtrade Footsteps

As you may know Gordon Primary is now a Fairtrade School from last year. but we have to continue being a Fair Trade school because we want to continue helping Fair Trade and to persuade other our pupils to buy Fair Trade products.

The Fairtrade feet are coming in very fast.  They’re now going straight through the hall!! So far there are about 250 and more are coming everyday and there are even some peoples pet’s foot steps too!!!

Thank you to everyone who bought in a footprint.

By Duncan (P5 Glow Blogger)

School Bank

Hi just a reminder about the school bank. This year p7s are running it. The school bank is a good place for saving up for special occasions or when you are older. The school bank runs every Wednesday.

by Pietra (P5 glow blogger)

P5 Tour Guides

P5s are going to be auditioning to be Tour Guides.

Once they’ve filled in the aplication form then they will audition. Then next year they will take over as tour guides from the present P6 Tour Guides!

By Duncan (P5 Glow Blogger)



Both Primary 4’s classes recently completed a homework task to design a Space vehicle using recycled materials at home.

P4’s really rallied to the challenge, and produced models of a high standard. They made imaginative use of recycled materials; one rocket was even made using a toilet seat!

These have been displayed in the glass corridor, before winging their way back home!

Ballroom Dancing


Primary 6 pupils have been learning ballroom dancing. They recently competed against other local schools in a Ballroom Dancing competition at the Stewarts Hall. On Wednesday they gave a display of their dancing skills to the upper stages at assembly. Dances included the Foxtrot and a Salsa. Everyone enjoyed watching the dances! Well done to everyone involved.

Mountain Biking

A new after School Mountain Biking Club has been launched for pupils at Gordon Primary and Secondary Pupils it is open to all S1 and P7s.

They meet every Thursday, last time they done it they went to the Castle Hotel.

Kevin Davies is leading the Club and Mr Wood and Mr Grey are helping.

By Duncan (P5 Glow Blogger)