New Term

A new term means new topics so here is a list of all the different topics.
1a   Farming    1b  Our local area
2a   the garden   2b  Spring and in the garden
3a  Our healthy body      3b  Our healthy body     3c  Ourself and the Olympics
5a  Olympics     5b  health, Olympics
6a  Living and growing and the Olympics      6b Living and growing and the Olympics
7  Both primary 7 classes are a surprise right now, we will tell you when we find out.
by Amy  (P4 glow blogger)


Hobbies was meant to be starting this week but because of the rain it was cancelled.

The list of hobbies is ;

aerobics, Zumba, gardening, football, chess, rounders, outdoor games, team games, walking and  hockey

We are hoping that the rain will stop so we can do them next week !

by Ellie (P4 glow blogger)

Healthy Wednesdays

P5s are doing healthy Wednesdays this term!

Healthy Wednesdays is about trying to keep Healthy so P5s are doing all sorts of activities to try and keep Healthy!

We having been doing all sorts of things like preparing a three course meal for cooking and lots of running for physical activities and lots of outdoor learning for the woodland!

We have made coronation chicken, fruit crumble, mince and salad tortilla, couscous, fruit kebab and vegetable kebab and we made carrot cake, blueberry and toffee muffins and we made oaty biscuits  and we made all this foods in the Community Kitchen.

We have done a test to see how fit we are, we have played touch rugby, hockey and golf for Physical Activity.

We have have lit a fire, used our senses, solved a crime and lit a fire after and done a bug hunt in the  Woodland.

By Duncan and Ellie P5B (glow bloggers)

Primary 4s new topics

P4s have new topics this term. P4’as topic is minibeasts and they are going to collect minibeasts and learn about them.Then P4bs topic is “Around the world in 80 days ” and people are bringing things in from other country’s. And they are also doing work about countries that are going to be in the Olympics.

Parents Open Day

The parents open afternoon, held on Thursday 29th March was a geat success. Parents were able to visit their childs class and observe the children working.

Parents enjoyed the opportunity to watch their children working and learning and left very positive feedback.

By Duncan (P5 Glow Blogger)

Parents Open Day

On the 29th of  March 2012 parents will be able to come into their children’s class rooms to see what they have been doing and do some fun activities!!

This will be for P1 – 7 classes but unfortunately there can’t be one for the nursery because of the rewiring.

By Duncan (P5 Glow Blogger)