Classes for 2013-14

Everyone has been pleased to learn about classes and teachers for next session, and I am here to tell you about them. First of all , we shall start with the nurseries and the lower stages.

In the Nurseries the 2  teachers shall be Mrs McGowan who shall be returning to the nursery for a second time and Mrs. Wheeler who is new to the school.

Lower stages next,

P1A  Miss.Love who is also new  to the school

P1B  Mr.Wood

P1-2  Mrs.Innes

P2A  Mrs.Webster

3A  Miss.Crawford

3B  Mrs.Jameison

4A Mrs.Fraser

4B  Mrs.Sell/Mrs.Mansell

5A Miss Barrere

5B Miss Coull

5C  Miss Gelati

6A Mrs Fitzpatrick

6B Mrs. Barcley and Miss Murray

P7A Mrs McIntosh

and finally P7B are getting Mrs Philp Smith

I hope you have a fabby holiday and have an amazing time with your new teachers in August everyone .

By Caitlin P5