End of term Disco

There is a end of term disco on Thursday 4th of  July. It will primary sevens last disco at the primary school! The disco will be held  in the large hall. The P.T.A.are organising it. The money that gets raised is going to P.T.A.funds,. Money raised by the PTA is used for many important things in the school.


Last Thursday p7s came back from Glenshee. They had an amazing time there. These are some of the activities that they were doing. – raft building , rock climbing ,and they even did some arts and crafts . Staff at the Compass Christian Centre commented on the good behaviour of the p7s and on how well they co operated with each other.

The boys had to go up a lot of steps to get to their rooms and so did the girls. The teachers that went there were  Mrs McIntosh, Mr Wood, Mr Scrimshaw and Miss Philp Smith.  They all  had an amazing time there.

by ellie craib p5 blogger

Classes for 2013-14

Everyone has been pleased to learn about classes and teachers for next session, and I am here to tell you about them. First of all , we shall start with the nurseries and the lower stages.

In the Nurseries the 2  teachers shall be Mrs McGowan who shall be returning to the nursery for a second time and Mrs. Wheeler who is new to the school.

Lower stages next,

P1A  Miss.Love who is also new  to the school

P1B  Mr.Wood

P1-2  Mrs.Innes

P2A  Mrs.Webster

3A  Miss.Crawford

3B  Mrs.Jameison

4A Mrs.Fraser

4B  Mrs.Sell/Mrs.Mansell

5A Miss Barrere

5B Miss Coull

5C  Miss Gelati

6A Mrs Fitzpatrick

6B Mrs. Barcley and Miss Murray

P7A Mrs McIntosh

and finally P7B are getting Mrs Philp Smith

I hope you have a fabby holiday and have an amazing time with your new teachers in August everyone .

By Caitlin P5

Tour guide launch

Good luck to all the tour guides who will be doing their first tour tomorrow at the Grand Launch!

The new tour giudes 2012/2014 are

group 1

Faye  and Lucas             Caitlin and Christy

Group 2

Philippa and  Mitch           Fiona H  and Aimee

Group 3

Tasmin and  Lola      Ellie and liam

Group 4

Liam and Hannah    Fiona B and Heather

group 5

Freya and Nicole   Norah and Ali

So back to the tour guide launch. It will take place on Wednesday the 3RD of July. There will be 5 tours. The first 3 groups will guide the pupils and staff of Lumsden Primary around the castle. Everyone’s parents or guardians are coming along to watch the fabulous show. Other important people from the community have been invited, such as members of Huntly Development Trust (Donald Boyd and Fiona Manson), Claudia Zeiske from Deveron Arts, Pat Scott from the Huntly Express and many other people.

The tour guides will be wearing 17th Century costumes. They will be piped down by Jack McGowan. All P5s have a part to play. Some will be singing an elizabethan song, accompanied by Keith Cockburn and others will be dancing a Pavanne. Some pupils will be  handing out refreshments at the end of the tour.

This is a copy of the invite.



Gordon Primary Huntly Castle Junior Tour Guides request the pleasure of your company at our Grand Launch.

On Wednesday the 3rd of July 2013

At Huntly Castle*

From 1:30 – 3:00

Refreshments will be provided.

Please R.S.V.P. by Monday the 24th of June 2013

*Huntly Castle location weather permitting