Miss Conn leaving

Bring on the tears, as Miss Conn, teacher at gordon primary,has decided to leave us,and go to teach at Kintore in the tattie holidays,after many years of teaching at gordon primary. Some comments for Miss Conn are:”I will miss Miss Conn very much”  from Euan M. “good bye and best wishes” said Andrea T.” Good luck in kintore” said Gemma ,and there are many others. We hope you have a good time in kintore,and we wish you the best of luck!


One thought on “Miss Conn leaving”

  1. Thank-you all very much for the lovely messages of good luck and support. I have felt quite overwhelmed by it all. Thanks to all pupils and staff for making my time here a positive experience and I hope that it will not be the last time I see you all. I will miss you all, today is a sad day. Thanks again.

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