It has been a busy but positive start to the school year and we are very quickly heading towards the October holidays – time certainly does fly by when you’re having fun! Here are a few updates and dates for your diaries that should be helpful…

Parent Council – We had our first meeting last week which was well attended and gave us the chance to discuss the way forward. We agreed to try a slightly different approach this year by splitting into two groups – one for events/ fundraising (Grange Go Getters!) and one for consultation on school improvements (Grange Gabbers). Alongside these groups we will be offering a variety of ways that parents can get involved in school life by sharing their exeprtise.

Grange Go Getters! – This will be a group that parents can drop in and out of depending on their availabilty. Parents can opt to volunteer for one event at a time and we will hold very short planning meetings in advance of each event. The first quick get together will be held on Wednesday 27th September 5.30pm to arrange the Halloween discos. More information about Halloween to follow in this post.

Grange Gabbers – This group will meet termly to hear about and discuss school improvements. Our first meeting will be held on Wednesday 1 November 6.00-7.00pm at Grange. We will discuss our school improvement plan priorities which are ‘Relationships and Writing’ and we will consult on our use of Class Dojo to share curriculum information, children’s progress in learning and home learning. Thanks to those of you who have already shared suggestions with me via Class Dojo. Everyone is welcome to join the meeting or to message me if you can’t come along but have ideas!

MAD Parents (Make A Difference) – We would like to enlist the support of parents for our Make A Difference groups which run monthly P2-7. These groups will meet on Fridays 9.30-10.20am on the following dates: 29th September, 27th October, 24th November, 26th January, 1st March, 19th April and 17th May. Our MAD Groups are: Eco Warriors (Nursery & P1), Rights Respecting Schools, Global Grangers, News Team, Community Champions, Digital Leaders, fun Fundraisers, Playground Pals, Talent Spotters and Outdoor Learning Gang. If you would like to help out or have exerptise to offer any of these groups please complete the survey on this link:

We are also keen to create a directory of parents who have skills and jobs that could be shared with the children to enhance their learning across the curriculum. If you would be willing to share the exeprtise you have from our job or hobbies please complete the survey on this link:

Thanks in advance to the parents who have offered to collate the above survey information!

Halloween discos – These are planned for Thursday 26th October P2-4 5.30-6.15pm and P5-7 6.30-7.30pm. Our Primary 1 children will have a class party in the afternoon to avoid anyone getting too spooked! The  discos rely entirely upon parent volunteers to ensure the children’s safety. If you are willing to volunteer for supervising or organising refreshments please let us know or come along to the planning meeting Wednesday 27th September 5.30pm. We are also looking for donations of decorations for the gym hall and the forest. We will need voluteers to decorate both the hall on the day or the day before the discos after school. All help is most welcome to help us make this a fun and safe event for the children! Tickets cost £3.00 and will be onsale soon via Parent Pay.

Place 2 Be – please use this link to access information about an online course for parents which comes highly recommended. Parenting Smart flyer 2023

Dates for your diary – I have created an iCal for Grange parents which includes the key dates for the school year. This can also be used on android devices by following online instrcutions from your manufacturer. The dates may need to adjusted over the year and I will continue to give reminders on my monthly blog:


Dates for your diary:

  • Settling in meetings – Wednesday 20th and 27th September 3.30-6.30pm
  • Flu vaccintations – Thursday 21st September
  • Dress down day (bring chocolate!) – Friday 29th September
  • MAD groups – Friday 29th September 9.30-10.20am
  • End of term 1 – Friday 29th September normal finishing times
  • Term 2 starts – Monday 16th October
  • Halloween discos – Thursday 26th October P2-4 5.30-6.15pm & P5-7 6.30-7.30pm
  • MAD groups – Friday 27th October 9.30-10.20am
  • Reading Cafe – Friday 3rd November 2.00-3.00pm
  • Grange Global Summit (Sharing Our Learning) – Thursday 9th November 5.00-6.00pm
  • School photographer – Tuesday 14th and Wednesday 15th November
  • Rag bag collection – Thursday 16th November
  • Wellbeing event for parents (tbc)– Monday 20th November 6.00-7.00pm (more info to follow)
  • MAD groups – Friday 24th November 9.30-10.20am
  • In-service days – Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th November
  • Holiday – Friday 1st December
  • Christmas school lunch – Thursday 14th December
  • Christmas Cheer – Friday 15th December (see below for timetable)
  • Cinema trip – Wednesday 20th December P2-7
  • End of term 2 – Friday 22nd December 3.00pm finish for all children

*Christmas Cheer timetable: 9.00am Nursery, 9.30am P7, 10.00am P6, 10.30am P5, 11.00am P4, 1.30pm P3, 2.00pm P2, 2.30pm P1

Thanks to you all for your ongoing support of our school and for helping us to make it a great place to learn, have a relaxing holiday when it comes!

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