Parent Update February 2022

The weeks are flying by and it is so positive that school life seems to be gradually getting back to normal. That said we continue to be impacted by COVID absences and self-isolation periods that affect staffing and there are times when it means we are not as available to parents as we would be normally. I am hopeful that the nearer we get to the summer the more improvement we will see  – forever the optimist! In the meantime I would like to share some updates that you might find helpful.

Grange parent survey The recent update for schools allows us to consider removing staggered pick up and drop off times as well as staggered breaks. The staggered breaks have been extremely positive and resulted in a reduction in accidents and incidents in the playground and an improved lunch service for the children. For these reasons I am keen to retain our current breaks however I would like to capture the views of parents regarding start and finish times. A number of parents have highlighted that they would prefer for all children to start and finish at the same time for convenience at the start and end of day. However I am very conscious that aligning the times might incur additional childcare costs which I am keen to avoid. I have also been gathering the views of children who would prefer to have slightly shorter breaks and more planned outdoor learning times. They are also extremely keen to change our uniform to school hoodies in line with the high school. This would avoid the need for outdoor learning and PE kit as the children would come to school dressed more casually every day and ready for whatever type of learning is planned. While I am keen to respect the children’s views, I am very aware it is parents who provide the uniform so it is essential that we get your opinion. Please take a few minutes to complete our survey about the school day and school uniform.

Staffing news! I am delighted to inform you that Mrs Landsburgh has been appointed as substantive Depute Head Teacher and Mrs Smith as Principal Teacher. They are already established members of the Grange team and I consider myself very lucky to work alongside such committed and supportive colleagues. Along with Mrs Oldham they certainly make a dream team and I look forward to all the exciting improvements we will drive forward together in the future. It is with mixed emotions that I can share with you Mrs Graham, Additional Support Needs Teacher, is moving onto a new, exciting post with Aberdeen City Council. Mrs Graham has been a great support to many children, families and staff and though she will be missed we wish her the very best of luck in her new position which she will take up mid March.

Mobile phones It is no surprise that the number of children who now bring mobile phones to school has greatly increased. First of all I would like to emphasise that children do not need mobile phones in school as all contact with parents should be made via the school office and of course they bring them at their own risk. If children do need to bring their phone to school it must be switched off as soon as they enter the grounds and we encourage them to place it in the class box which will be stored in the cupboard for safety. I would also encourage parents to closely monitor mobile phone activity out of school as we have been informed recently of a number of situations where children are creating groups on social media apps and being unkind towards others. This is an important area of learning for our children given that is the way they now communicate so they need guidance to help them get it right.

Rainy days The slight relaxing of COVID guidance for schools means that we can now allow our P2-7 children into the gym hall before school on rainy days. It is always better if the children can arrive as near to the bell as possible to avoid them getting wet but where staffing allows the doors will be opened at 8.45am and they can go directly to the hall. The P1 children will enter through their own doors and go straight into class as normal.

Class Dojo The purpose of Class Dojo is to share  children’s learning and achievements with parents and to give any class updates. There is often a delay with messages coming through on Class Dojo and it cannot be relied upon to share information such as absence or lunch arrangements. I would encourage parents to contact the school office by phone: 01382 768101 or by email: in these types of instance or if you require a timely response. I would also ask that any concerns or issues are addressed by telephone so that Class Dojo continues to be used in the way it was always intended, with a focus on learning. By all means use Class Dojo to request a call from your child’s teacher at a time that suits you both.

Winter Support Fund Our school has been awarded a small amount of funding for allocating to families who are experiencing financial insecurity or who are in financial crisis. If you like to be considered for this funding please use the link to apply.

Progress updates Our teachers make ongoing judgments about children’s progress in learning based upon class work and assessments. Three times each year we record this information to allow us to track progress and consider any support or challenge that is needed. If there has been any change to your child’s progress in learning since the parents evenings in November the teacher will be in direct contact with you. If you have any concerns at all about your child at any time, please do not hesitate to be in touch to arrange a call.

Finally, I would like to thank you for your ongoing support of our school. I will be in touch soon with the outcome of the survey regarding the school day and uniform and I will be seeking your views about the refresh of our vision, values and positive relationships policy so please watch this space…

Take care

Lorraine Will