Parent Update March 2022

The Easter holidays are almost upon us and despite ongoing challenges with staff and pupil absence due to COVID we have managed to have a very successful term. Our P2-7 children enjoyed their cinema trips, our football and netball teams won their tournaments, our cross country teams enjoyed huge success at the Angus Championships and we even managed to take our P7s to Ryze. I am amazed that we have been able to make all of this happen and I am hugely grateful to my staff team for their flexibility and support, they really are a fantastic bunch! It is wonderful that the children have experienced a more ‘normal’ school year and it certainly looks likely that they will have a full year without the disruption of the last two years. As the holidays approach the following updates might be helpful:

Updated COVID guidance – Revised guidance for schools will see some positive changes next term.  The changes can be summarised as follows:

  • There will no longer be a requirement for schools to issue template (warn and inform) letters
  • Asymptomatic (LFD) testing will finish on 18th April and symptomatic testing will finish on 30 April
  • No restrictions on indoor or outdoor PE, drama, music, or dance
  • No restrictions on assemblies
  • No requirements for groupings/bubbles, one-way systems or staggered pickup and drop-off times
  • No restrictions on visitors, providing mitigations are followed

Car parking – I have been contacted by parents and the local police regarding concerns about parking at drop off and pick up times. It has been noted that one or two cars are regularly stopping on yellow lines and causing an obstruction for the school crossing patroller to ensure the children cross Grange Road safely. There have also been concerns raised by local residents in Kippford Street and Solway Gardens about inconsiderate parking on pavements and across driveways. Please help to keep our children safe by dropping off at a safe distance away from the school. The police will continue to monitor and have also asked to be informed if this continues so that further action can be taken.

School Day survey – Thanks to everyone who took the time to complete our survey regarding the timings of the school day. We have also consulted with children during Learn to Learn sessions in term 2. Most parents were keen to continue with the current staggered start and end times due to reduced congestion on the roads and in the playground. A few parents were concerned that the shorter lunch break was limiting the time children have in the dining hall. Please be assured that this is not the case at all and it has highlighted that some of the younger children have been leaving early because their friends are heading out to play.  We are on the case to ensure that everyone takes the time they need to finish their lunch. A few parents were concerned that any further shortening of the day would incur extra childcare costs and a few were keen to remove the staggered start/ finish to avoid waiting around for children. To retain our staggered lunches in the hall, which has been a huge success, it is not possible to return to pre-COVID timings. Overall the vast majority chose to remain the same and so the current timings will remain in place moving forward.

School uniform survey – Thanks also to everyone for responding to the survey about school uniform. Most parents were keen to introduce school hoodies to be worn with black leggings or trackies and black trainers. However, some parents were also keen to retain the current traditional school uniform.  As a result we will offer Grange hoodies as an option so that families can choose the uniform option that suits them best.  Hoodies will be available to order online and I would encourage all children to wear them on PE days so that everyone is ‘uniform’. A link for the online shop will be emailed out to parents shortly after the Easter holidays.

Staff news – Mrs Henderson, School and Pupil Support Assistant, is leaving on Friday to take up a new post. She has been a wonderful support to many children and families during her time at Grange and she will certainly be missed.  We are all very grateful and wish her well for the future!

School improvements – This year our focus for improvement has been health and well-being and supporting positive relationships across the school, as we recover from the disruption of COVID. The children have been heavily involved in reviewing our vision, values and learner qualities as well as our Relationships Policy, all of which I look forward to sharing with you next term. This also includes our playground project which will start to take shape soon – murals have been designed by children and will be painted onto the walls over the Easter holidays and new play equipment will be installed over the summer. Moving into the new school session we will focus upon the implementation of our Relationships Policy, we will continue to develop our playground and we will begin to consider further improvements in literacy.

Finally, I would like to wish you all a happy and hopefully sunny break over the Easter holidays. I am continually grateful for your support of the school and our children and look forward to seeing everyone back safe and well in two weeks time.

Happy Easter everyone!

Lorraine Will

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