Grange News!

The weeks are flying by and it seems as though we will be at the summer holidays before we know it. It has been yet another great year at Grange and as the holidays fast approach we are preparing ourselves for saying goodbye to not only our fabulous P7s but also two very special ladies. Mrs Sherret (Senior Clerical Officer) and Mrs Manley (School and Pupil Support Assistant) have both decided it’s time to retire after many years of going ‘above and beyond’ at Grange.

Mrs Sherret has held the fort in the school office for as long as I have been Head Teacher and she has not only been a great support to me but also to many staff, children and parents. She has always been completely committed to our school and  has gladly given up her own time over the years to help support and organise school events. On top of that she has been reliable, efficient and incredibly loyal to me personally, qualities that I have always admired and never underestimated. Her shoes will be very hard to fill but she will leave behind an extremely organised and tidy office for her replacement!

Mrs Manley has worked in our Purple Room for many years and in that time has built some very close relationships with many of our children and parents. Anyone who has had the pleasure of working with her knows how much love and care she has given our children. She has set high standards of care and a level of nurture that has spread through our school and helped to make Grange the warm and welcoming school that we all love. Her commitment to our children has been infectious and the support she has given to many of our families priceless. Her legacy will continue in our Purple Room and we will strive to live up the standards she has set!

To both ladies we wish you a happy and healthy retirement and I know that you will both keep in touch with all of your Grange friends. You will both be greatly missed but never forgotten…once a Granger always a Granger!

There have been some other staff changes over recent months which include Mrs Spink (School and Pupil Support Assistant) leaving to take up a new post in Arbroath and her replacement Mrs Beattie joining us. We have also appointed a team of Principal Teachers Pedagogy using our Pupil Equity Fund. Mrs Anderson, Miss Kean, Mrs Smith and Mrs Watson have taken up  these new posts on a temporary basis to help us continue to improve our already high standards of learning,  teaching and attainment. They are already off to a great start and it is exciting to see the energy and drive they will bring to our leadership team while continuing to be great class teachers. We are currently making our improvement plans for next session and  I look forward to telling you all about it in my next blog.

Until then Happy Retirement to Mrs Manley and Mrs Sherret and on behalf of everyone at Grange thank you for going ‘above and beyond’ for all these years. Now it’s time for you to relax and enjoy!

One thought on “Grange News!”

  1. Thanks and well said, Mrs Will!

    Good wishes to Mrs Sherret and and Mrs Manley for a long, healthy retirement and to all P7s for the next chapter in their (school) life.

    We will see you around!

    Alastair Rogers and family x

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