Tag Archives: OneNote app

OneNote is free for education

In the prototype I am using Microsoft OneNote on the Surface Pro 4 devices.

Whilst Microsoft OneNote comes installed with Windows 10, the native app has less functionality than the OneNote 2016 version. The differences between OneNote and OneNote 2016 are detailed on this page which also states that OneNote is free.

Despite the statement on the page above that OneNote was free, there remained some uncertainty regarding whether the 2016 version that is often delivered as part of the Office suite (Often 2010 or 2012 still in schools) was free.  The council IT department were of the belief that a license was needed to install OneNote and a number of teachers familiar with OneNote several Microsoft Innovative Educator Experts #MIEExpert such as myself believed that it was only the app that was free. I therefore contacted Microsoft by Twitter to get confirmation and received this response.

To eliminate confusion between the 2016 version and the native app it is now possible to remove the native applications from Windows 10.

The only feature I know that is in the Windows 10 OneNote app but not the 2016 ve

The link to the 2016 version is a bit hidden on the onenote.com page so I made a video to show where it is.

The ink to math tool is the one of the few functions not yet in the 2016 version.

The Learning tools add in available for the 2016 version makes the 2016 version the logical choice for education purposes. The learning tools are really helpful for pupils with additional support needs such as dyslexia.