Clishmaclaver – Brechin High Library Blog

April 20, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Post-DeeCon PopDundee!

POPDUNDEE exists as a means for Dundee students & young artists to sell & promote their artwork! “We believe presenting these kind of opportunities not only allows the public the chance to purchase local and exclusive artwork, but also gives … Continue reading

April 20, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Crossing the Godzilla Threshold…

I’ve just received a press release – it doesn’t matter what for – that has listed all the different ways the world might end, based on scenarios from films, and how people have stated they would respond. It is stupid, and now I will explain why on a scenario-by-scenario basis. Continue reading

April 6, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Slap the Joker: a meme..?

Iron Fist and Slapping the Joker: How not to Write Strong Female Characters – BookRiot Also known as, “But hey, she (ineffectually) fought off the Joker (who later killed her), right? So she’s feisty!” “A Slap the Joker Moment betrays a … Continue reading

The Fantastic Flying Books…

March 24, 2017 by Miss Stewart | 0 comments

“In an allegory about the curative power of story, books return the favor to those who care for them.”

Clishmaclaver first came across this beautiful film several years ago but for some reason it just popped into my head today, and I had to share.

I’ve had a lifelong love of all things Buster Keaton – you should see my ‘silent comedians’ bookshelf at home; I must have everything written on the subject. Well, almost 😉 – and stories, so you might imagine that this gorgeous little gem of a film would appeal. And you’d be right.

Just watch it. It’s wonderful. Click here for a synopsis if you must but I’m not going to say another word… <3

March 24, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Principle of Evil Marksmanship or the Stormtrooper Effect…

Clishmaclaver loved this cartoon from How-To Geek! 😀  Some things just never change… And, yes, there’s a handy trope for this! Check out TV Tropes for more hilarious  ‘Red Shirt’ information on the Principle of Evil Marksmanship or Stormtrooper Effect – … Continue reading

March 24, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Death Note Funko? Who’da thunko?

Any Death Note fans in the house? The cult shōnen manga series by Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata – soon to be a new supernatural thriller movie directed by Adam Wingard! – and animé アニメ, is a perennial favourite here at Brechin … Continue reading

March 15, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Got fandom?

It’s chic to be geek! Keep calm and join fandom! Wait, what? Clishmaclaver knows there is amazing fanfiction being written, astoundingly good fan art being created (Shout out to Chloe D!), and generally awesome fandoming being undertaken by pupils at … Continue reading

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