Clishmaclaver – Brechin High Library Blog

September 6, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Write a haiku inspired by this painting…

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 I love art so I just had to share this challenge from the Getty Museum –
“Feeling poetic? Write a haiku inspired by this painting and share it in the comments below.”
Caspar David Friedrich, born #onthisday in 1774, was part of the German Romantic movement; his deeply personal and introspective vision addressed Christian themes through analogies based on the cycles of nature. “A Walk at Dusk” was among a small group of works Friedrich completed before he suffered a debilitating stroke in 1835. The painting embodies both the melancholy he experienced during this period and the consolation he found in the Christian faith.

“A Walk at Dusk,” about 1830 – 1835, Caspar David Friedrich. Oil on canvas.

Art credit: Getty Museum

First Minister’s Reading Challenge is on!

September 6, 2017 by Miss Stewart | 0 comments

Watch Scottish Book Trust‘s Celebrating the First Minister’s Reading Challenge.

“The First Minister’s Reading Challenge is now ready for registrations from primary schools across Scotland: Watch our report from our first-ever Celebration Event to find out how the Reading Challenge can help children to read for enjoyment.” – SBT


September 6, 2017
by Miss Stewart

#BrechinLibrary’s Awesome Archeology with #Maisondieu

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ANGUSalive Libraries added fab new pictures from #BrechinLibrary‘s Awesome Archaeology session this week. “It’s not too late to attend a session we have tickets available for Forfar this afternoon (Sept 5th) and Monifieth on Thursday (Sept 7th) Book online: #HHA2017 #visitangus “

Photo credit: ANGUSalive

September 6, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Babies love books! #Bookbug #babybooks

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The wonderful Bookbug people at Scottish Book Trust have posted suggestions for anyone looking for new books for their little one. Here are 12 great books featured in the Bookbug Baby calendar this year –

Happy reading!

Image credit: Cate James

It’s a bacon thing… #maisondieu #Alt_Fairytales #BigBadWolf

September 5, 2017 by Miss Stewart | 0 comments


Maisondieu Primary 7 pupils get to grips with ‘narrative voice’ and ‘point of view’ by assuming the roles of Reporter and Big Bad Wolf, as per Jon Scieszka’s hilarious alternative fairytale, The True Story of the Three Little Pigs. 🙂

Part of Brechin High School’s transition work with cluster primaries, the library has been visiting Maisondieu Primary to work with Mrs Bathgate’s amazing P7s on various group work-based writing prompts. We plan to adapt Scieszka’s book into a play next, and stage a performance. Watch this Space! 😀

I’ve been having SO much fun doing these literacy-based lessons. And I mustn’t forget to mention senior pupil Chris G., who has been on hand to help out as my glamorous assistant; part of his Senior Responsibility obligations.

So anyway, apparently the wolf was framed; it’s all ‘fake news’, and the little pigs were already gonners when he ate them. Hey, don’t judge; as the P7s told me this morning – it’s a bacon thing! 😀

Thanks for having us, Maisondieu! See you next week. 😉

This gallery contains 5 photos

September 1, 2017
by Miss Stewart

10 Tips to Help Get Your Child Reading for Fun

Bookwitty have put together some great ideas for how to encourage your child to become a lifelong reader –

“It’s usually around back-to-school time that parents begin to worry about their children’s reading habits. Indeed, many children go the length of their school holidays without practicing their reading at all. While there are those who put all responsibility for their children’s reading habits on teachers, we’ve found that children tend to read better when parents take matters into their own hands and make an effort to get their kids reading for fun.

Of course, that’s easier said than done, and many children don’t take to reading quite as naturally as we’d hope. With that in mind, we’ve put together the list of ways that you can help get your children reading recreationally as early as possible.” Bookwitty

Click for more content, including how to start a family book club! 🙂

Art credit: copyright ©2017Emma Roy

The Amazing @Frank_Quitely

September 1, 2017 by Miss Stewart | 0 comments

As promised, my photos from Wednesday’s comic launch for Frank Quitely, the alter ego of Scottish comic artist, Vincent Deighan. Apologies for the poor quality, folks. My hands were shaking as I was so excited about meeting Vincent, and seeing his original sketches for the Batman and Robin: Vol 1 Batman Reborn comic, amongst many other titles… 😉

Just so awe inspiring.! 🙂 What do you think?

I’ve never felt the urge to read Batman my entire life but, thanks to Frank Quitely’s jaw-droppingly dark and beautiful, linear, expressive, naturalistic style, here I am; fangirling over the Dynamic Duo…

Best known for his work with the writer, and fellow Scotsman, Grant Morrison. Throughout his career he has collaborated with Morrison on projects such as Batman, All-Star Superman, We3, New X-Men and Flex Mentallo. Quitely has a style that is unique with a slight grotesque element, which makes each character look more real and believable. This is done through the use of mostly fine line, which allows for plenty of detail. Additionally, the way he depicts a character’s posture and movement speaks volumes about them, allowing for an extra layer of personality.” – How to Love Comics

Art credit: all photos are mine; sketches by @Frank_Quitely; Batman and Robin are copyright DC Comics

This gallery contains 12 photos

September 1, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it

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The lovely World Book Day (UK & Ireland) people have posted your chance to WIN a copy of Roald Dahl’s Billy & the Minpins, illustrated & signed by the brilliant Quentin Blake. What are you waiting for? 😉
This brand new edition of Roald Dahl’s last children’s book is to be published with all-new Quentin Blake illustrations for the first time! This is your chance to complete your Dahl collection… For more content, dear readers, read on. 🙂
Art credit: © 1995 – 2017 Penguin Books Ltd.

September 1, 2017
by Miss Stewart

I’ll just leave this here, shall I? @Frank_Quitely @KelvingroveArt #Millarworld

I’m a very happy librarian. 😀

Art credit: Batman is copyright© 2017 DC Entertainment

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