Den Building at the Burnie!

Primary 4 and Primary 3 went for an adventure as an end of term treat!  We voted and decided to go and do den building at the Burnie.  We were lucky that it was a beautiful day, even though it was a bit muddy!  We really enjoyed working together as a team.  All of the children had great designs, well done!  Thank you to our parent helpers, without you we can’t do things like this.


The children had lots of fun learning how to work with chopsticks.  They made paper bowls with origami and then played a game where they had to pick up a polystyrene ball and pass it to the next person.  They worked in teams and worked well together, motivating each other and just having fun.

Static electricity

We have been experimenting with static electricity to find out what it is and how it is formed.  We also found out that this is how lightening is made!  We used balloons to create static electricity and had great fun around the classroom seeing what it will stick to.


All the Primary 4’s went for swimming lessons this term.  Some of them have never been for swimming lessons before, but learned so quickly and we are so proud of all of them!


For our calendars this year, we made pictures by using pointillism.  Pointillism is when you create a picture by just using dots.  We used cotton buds and paint to make ours.  It may take a long time to complete your picture, but the end results were beautiful!  Well done guys!

Fun with Science!

The children have been learning about electricity and circuits.  We now know what an insulator and conductor of electricity is.  The children had great fun experimenting with the circuits and built different ones to test their theories.

Problem Solving

We have been working hard on our Problem Solving skills this term.  The children were given the challenge to make a working Ribix Cube out of numeracy cubes.  In the end (with some help with our friends and teacher) we all completed the challenge!  Every week we had a different challenge with the cubes.