CLIC Targets – Week Beginning 08.02.21

You’ll see below that many of our CLIC targets have remained the same as last week. Keep trying to practice these targets over the coming days and bolster your child’s confidence. Counting- I can count to 100. I have attached a video below. We love using Jack Hartman in class to get moving and counting. There are lots of his videos available on Youtube.

Learn Its-

The learn its schedule 5: 4+2, 5+2, 6+2, 7+2,9+2, 4+3, 5+3, 6+3

The aim across the next term is to develop quick recall of these addition sums. Practise them for a short amount of time each day. You could use fingers or concrete materials if your child needs this support. Over the coming weeks we will work towards your child being able to instantly feel confident with the answers to these sums. We’d love to see videos of your progress.


It’s Nothing New- Doubling and Halving within 20.

We have worked on both doubling and halving within 20 over the last few weeks. This week we would like you to give your child a mixture of doubling and halving questions to solve to see if they can confidently distinguish between the two. Hit the button can still be used to help develop quick recall.


Calculations- Multiplication:

I can find the total amount of blocks (Sets out 3 lots of 4 blocks and finds the total)

Remember to:

-Set out one ‘lot of’ 4

-Set out another ‘lot of’ 4

-Set out one more ;lot of’ 4

-Check you have 3 groups

-Check there are 4 blocks in each group

Give your child concrete materials to physically make groups for you. For example ask them to make 5 groups of 2. Once they have set out their groups, ask your child to find the total for you.  Again we would love to see any photos or videos of your progress.

You will find 2 additional videos on Google Classroom to support these targets.


Hit the Button:

Video (Count to 100) :


Directions Challenge

This week primary 2 have been learning about position and direction. I gave them a challenge to follow directions while blindfolded and/or to give someone else directions while they are blind folded. I saw some fantastic videos of P2 demonstrating their knowledge of directions and most importantly, having lots of fun!


CLIC Targets – Week beginning 01.02.21

Counting- I can count to 100.

I have attached a video below. We love using Jack Hartman in class to get moving and counting. There are lots of his videos available on YouTube.

Learn Its- The learn its schedule 5: 4+2, 5+2, 6+2, 7+2,9+2, 4+3, 5+3, 6+3

The aim across the next term is to develop quick recall of these addition sums. Practise them for a short amount of time each day. You could use fingers or concrete materials if your child needs this support. Over the coming weeks we will work towards your child being able to instantly feel confident with the answers to these sums. We’d love to see videos of your progress.

It’s Nothing New-

In particular try to focus on halving this week. Try to use concrete materials (any objects that you have around the house) to demonstrate halving to your child. For example, show them 10 cars and get them to divide them into two groups and give you the answer. Immediately after, ask them to double 5 and encourage them to see the relationship between the two. We would love to see videos of your halving this week. I have attached a video on halving that your child may want to watch and hit the button that you may want to play.

Calculations- Multiplication: I can find the total amount of blocks (Sets out 3 lots of 4 blocks and finds the total)
Remember to:
-Set out one ‘lot of’ 4
-Set out another ‘lot of’ 4
-Set out one more ;lot of’ 4
-Check you have 3 groups
-Check there are 4 blocks in each group

Give your child concrete materials to physically make groups for you. For example ask them to make 5 groups of 2. Once they have set out their groups, ask your child to find the total for you. I have attached a multiplication video below your child may wish to watch. Again we would love to see any photos or videos of your progress.

CLIC Targets – Week Beginning 25.01.21

Counting- I can count in 5s.

I have attached a video of counting to 5s below. If you can count to 50, challenge yourself to go further!

Learn Its- Number Bonds to 10. (3+7, 4+6, 5+5, 8+2, 9+1, 10+0)

I have attached a number bonds PowerPoint below that you may wish to explore with your child. There is still a link to hit the button attached below and our number bonds to 10 work available on Education City. Write out number sums for your child to complete (4+=10, 5+=10, +6=10). They should be able to identify the missing number.

It’s Nothing New- I can double 1 digit numbers. (Double 9 is 18, Double 7 is 14).

Working on this target would really help us improve on our scores in our Friday CLIC challenge. This week I have added a ‘Doubles and Halves to 20’ assignment to Education City this week. Please make your way through the activities in this city this week. We are looking forward to tracking your progress! If you’d like to record a video to let us know how you are getting on with your doubles and halves we’d love to see it.

Calculations- I can read a number sentence
e.g “6-4=”
Remember to:
– Read your number sentence
– Say ‘take away’ for –
– Say ‘equals’ for =

Write some addition sentences out for your child e.g 7-4=, 11-7=, 8-2=. Get your child to solve the question and then read your the number sentence e.g “Seven takeaway two equals 5”

P2 Junk Model Challenge

This week primary 2 have been learning about 3D shapes!


They were challenged to create a 3D junk model and to have a think about the shapes they used to build it.


We saw some amazing creations and are so excited to share some of them!


Well done Primary 2!

Happy Birthday Tyler!

It’s Tyler’s Birthday! We hope you have a wonderful day!

Happy birthday to you,
On this your special day.
We’re so glad to share it with you,
To bring gifts, eat cake and play.

We hope you have a great time,
And that all your wishes come true.
Because we don’t know anyone who deserves
A happier birthday than you!