22.2.19 – 27.2.19

Another week has gone by in P1M and as usual the children have been busy little bees!

In Golden Time on Friday they had a great time building and dressing up;

This week I have been delighted with the wonderful talks and posters that have been provided.  The boys and girls have delivered lovely talks about their favourite toys.  I hope the talks on Thursday and Friday are just as fabulous as the ones we have heard so far this week!

When delivering our talks we had to use a loud, clear voice and make good eye contact with our audience.  The audience members had to show the person talking that they were listening and gave positive feedback at the end of the talk. We asked questions to find out a little more about our class mates favourite toy.

On Tuesday afternoon the weather was beautiful! We spent the afternoon outside with P1/2.  When we were out we did our daily mile.

After our daily mile we learnt some ‘old fashioned’ playground games.  This was to link in with our ‘My Historical World’ topic.

We hope the sun continues to shine and look forward to another fun week in P1M.


*Important Information*

-Please could the children all bring an old sock to school in time for Tuesday 5th March.  This will be used for an art craft – so it will not come home still resembling a sock!!


I wish you all a wonderful week,

Mrs MacKinnon

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