1.3.19 – 6.3.19

Hello everyone,

I trust you have all had a lovely weekend and start of a new week.

The boys and girls have had another action packed week full of fun activities and experiences.

At the end of last week they had a lovely couple of days with Mrs Charleton and met Mrs Nolan on Friday.  They worked very hard for the two teachers and were all very helpful.

We heard our final couple of talks on Monday ;

All the boys and girls produced the most beautiful props and posters and all tried their very best to deliver their talks.  I was very proud of them all! Well done everyone 🙂

This wee we had a very fun Tuesday!  In light of pancake day we started the morning with a pancake day themed fine motor activity.  We were developing our cutting skills by cutting out pancake toppings to stick on our pancakes!

In the middle of the day we had a lovely time crafting with Mrs Welch whilst Mrs MacKinnon was hearing the reading.  We made ‘sock-tapillars’!  They were an instant hit and the children had a great time making them.

In the afternoon we went out with P1/2 to play some pancake themed outdoor games.  Miss Moyes and Mr Taylor played ‘pancake, pancake, waffle’ and the crocodile game. Mrs MacKinnon led some pancake races and a pancake flipping competition! (The frying pans were plastic tennis rackets and the pancakes were rubber circles!)

After all that running around we were all ready to go back inside for some refuelling!  We all had pancakes with our milk – they were delicious!

What a fun few days it has been!

I look forward to seeing what next week will bring in P1M.


Have a lovely week,

Mrs MacKinnon

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