Red Start Football

For the first 6 weeks of this term, we will be joined by a football coach from Aberdeen Football Club who will be teaching us lots of fun and exciting ways to enjoy football and learn new skills. On Wednesday 11th January we had our first session and some of the girls were a little hesitant at first. However, once they got started the smiles came across their faces.

We learned how to stand like a footballer and a coach.

We were practising our dribbling skills. We worked in pairs. One of us was a tractor (we had to dribble the ball) and the other was the trailer (We had to follow the tractor). We had to dribble through cones keeping track of how many we went through. We had to try and beat our partners score.

After we found out what scores we got it was time for a forfeit for the player with the least amount of points. For this forfeit we had to complete a sumo-dab. Video of this event to follow.


At the end of the session we got to play a game of corners football. This was the part I enjoyed the most (Mason). We were in teams and each person got a number. When our number was called we had to go against the other players who were also that number. The aim of the game was to use our dribbling skills to score a goal.