Active Literacy Wednesday

The children love engaging with active literacy stations on a Wednesday. Each week the stations may change slightly.

Station 1- Teacher led- they discuss their old book  and may receive a new reading book. They then read with their group and discuss the title/characters/settings/main events.

Station 2- PSA led -they use magnetic boards to match the alphabet. They then say/make/blend/read their spelling words before creating their own sentences using their words or writing a dictated sentence.

Station 3- Partner work-The children can choose a game board to practice their common words ( my, she, come, into, some etc.) These words are used within their reading and writing everyday.

Station 4 – Independent- Handwriting & Elkonin boxes. The children use the Elkonin boxes to split their words into its different sounds. For example: play  (p) (l) (ay).

The children love the short, focused activity stations and having protected time with two adults for support.